Wednesday, February 15, 2012

let's just cut to the chase

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I felt pretty drained after searching for the perfect gift for Henry's classmates for his birthday. So, three weeks later, I just didn't care anymore what he put in his Valentine's cards. I drove to the nearest Dollar Store and bought these tiny little compass rings.

I suck.

These stupid compass rings stand for so much of what I hate: buying junk and giving people crap.

Remember when it was easy (and oh, the horror...possibly edible) and you could just scotch tape a sucker onto your card?

So, what was my favorite piece of crap from Henry's Valentine's cards from yesterday?

Yep, the Valentine card that just cut to the chase.

The one that wasn't crap at all... it was the one with a quarter taped on.

How I adore her parents right now.

It says "instead of me buying junk, I'm going to give you money, the money I would have spent on whatever."


Of course, Henry, right away, wondered what he could buy with a quarter.



Mrs. M said...

Now that's a good idea. Too much junk in the world. I took my daughter to a b-day party last weekend and instead of giving out token bags of junk they gave each kid a CD they had burned of the b-day girls favorite songs. LOVE this idea!

L. Shanna said...

I am seriously shocked at the craziness of Valentine's Day this year. Maybe I've been living in a cave for awhile, but I thought that cut-out Barbie cards with a conversation heart inside the envelope was still enough for the average elementary school kid. Apparently not. My kids are screwed.

Galit Breen said...

Totally genius.

Also? We so taped lollipops onto our valentines?

Mommy hell, reservation for one?


Marie said...

I, too, felt the pressure of Valentine's Day this year. Good grief, people, it's not Christmas! Anyway, I took the easy way out and filled the bags with cheapo plastic rules and a pencil. Another mom did the exact same thing.

Oh well.

darcie said...

LOVE IT! Neither of my kids wanted to include treats with their Valentine cards this year - not suckers, not erasers, not bouncy balls, not pencils...

Not sure why...but that was just fine with me...and no one seemed to mind? At least, not that I've discovered yet! ;)
The quarter? BRILLIANT!

amanda said...

this stresses me out.

Emmy said...

Oh very smart idea! My kids just gave cards without anything tapped to them

An Imperfect Momma said...

that is ingenious! Or how ever that word is spelled. There is too much for us to do as is

Liz Mays said...

I really like that quarter idea. That truly is a stroke of genius.

Although I know my kids would have been all over the compass rings.

saucersrus said...

Two of the three teachers we have with three kids didn't even send a list of names. The note said there are "X" students in the class. Please bring "X" cards that are simply signed with your child's name. The cards my kids picked happened to come with the suckers to tape on at the same price of the packages of cards. I'm gonna put this quarter idea in my pocket for next year though.

Unknown said...

Ha, a quarter! Why didn't I think of that? This year my youngest son had his last Valentines Day school exchange (unless they do that in middle school nowadays, please tell me they don't) and I was so relieved. I don't love that my boys have grown up so fast, but I sure as heck won't miss the obligatory school party stuff.


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