Wednesday, November 2, 2011

chastity belt for chocolate

There are things that I do for Halloween to enjoy the season,
or actually, quite the opposite, not enjoy at all, but apparently essential for me since I have absolutely no self control at all.

1) I don't buy candy until the weekend before Halloween, or I'll eat it all.

2) On the Halloween candy scale of cheap, middle range and upper-high class candy, I buy the middle class bag of candy, and by middle, I'm still shelling out 20 bucks for Skittles- ugh. I just don't buy candy with anything that contains, covered in or has 'chips' of chocolate in it, or I'll eat it all.

3) I either wear mittens, keep my hands in my pockets or carry a 22lb. toddler while trick-or-treating, or I'll eat every piece of chocolate the kids throw in their bags while they are knocking on the next door and not looking.

You see where I'm going with this

So, newly added this year, the chastity belt for Halloween candy.

4) I've sorted every candy that tempts me and put it into a zip-lock. I stuck the bag in the freezer, the freezer the happens to be in the garage (in hopes that the steps down to the garage make it feel slightly more challenging to get to for my lazy a$$).

I've convinced the boys that these candies are way better frozen... now if I could just convince myself that they aren't.


amanda said...

i started giggling the second i saw your title. mostly bc right when i clicked over i was doing a quick mental count of my candy intake. debating if i should sneak downstairs for a bedtime treat or call it good.

buckling chastity belt now...

L. Shanna said...

I wish you would have posted this a few weeks ago. Maybe then the Baby Ruths and Reeses in our house would have been saved.

MommyLisa said...

You are too funny. I thankfully am not that fond of chocolate.

Aryn said...

We are definitely sisters. How is it that our mother doesn't even LIKE chocolate? I blame Dad. He thinks it's okay to eat a Snickers for a meal. I, unfortunately, eat a meal so I can eat my Snickers. Sigh.

Heather B said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I know the feeling. My daughter thought she could hide the chocolate in the freezer and get away with it. She forgot that I prefer it frozen and that snickers/twix/kitkats/milkyways/reese's are my favs :P

AiringMyLaundry said...

I buy one expensive bag of candy and the rest are all middle class.

I hate that really cheap stuff. Blech. Like all those flavored tootsie rolls and off brand peanut butter cups that taste like paste? Ew.

Emmy said...

Reese's are so good cold! I always put them in the fridge. And that is a very good idea- I know it would slow me down some.

Liz Mays said...

I love frozen candy bars too! My only saving grace on Halloween is that I always buy candy that other people like, but that I hate. Then I'm not tempted.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

And here the weight battles of the holiday season begin. I swear!

Unknown said...

Number one reason why the holidays can kiss my ass.



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