Tuesday, May 31, 2011

rules of the road

Like many of you out there, Memorial Day weekend marked our first little trip out of town. (It was actually really spontaneous, fueled mostly by my jealously of those that had real weekend plans, any who). Car trips, staying over in a hotel, eating out... all of that reminded me that I need mental notes, little rules on how to prepare myself for next time.

1) Bribery is fair game. My kids drug of choice is Sour Skittles. (Stop screaming at me and pointing to *that* dental chart that says Sour Skittle are worse than eating battery acid, some things are worth my sanity).

2) Never order a kid's meal for both children; buy one, split it and call it a day.

3) Try to request that their meal is split before they bring it out. Some waitress are great at this, they can interrupt the mommy sign for 'making it 2' perfectly without it being spoken aloud, others may benefit from drawing on a napkin. If they failed to do the above, you're screwed. Neither of them will eat because they didn't have 'their own' meal. They will refuse anything but chocolate milk, water, Sprite...

4) Bring along extra underwear, because a diet of Sour Skittles and chocolate milk only is just a disaster waiting to happen.

5) Point out the restrooms in the pool area, again because of the quality of eating, there many be a rush to get to said bathroom.

6) Do not yell at your child about nearly going poop in the pool, at least, avoid using the terminology 'shocking the pool', because this only makes the idea sound interesting to that of a 7 year old boy.

7) Encourage jumping on the bed, because it's *not* happening when they get home.

8) Remember your earplugs, who ever came up with the phrase 'sleeping like a baby' was an idiot. My kids sleep like 747s coming in for a landing, there is nothing quiet about them sleeping.

9) If they do get up 17 times or so in the middle of the night to blow their nose, rip the Kleenex box out from the wall and bring it over to their bed.

10) Don't walk over to your son's bed in the middle of the night, in a dark, strange hotel room and whisper-scream 'stop moving, close your eyes or else'. It just might cause some anxiety.


KristinFilut said...

I feel ya on these rules! I have well-seasoned roadtrippers and I still need to resort to bribery!

Hyacynth said...

lol! I may or may not have engaged in number 10 before. :)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This is such a cute post!! Love the rules!!

Mimi N said...

I'm trying to decide of you have a fun weekend away or not! LOL Definitely rip that Kleenex box out of the wall...and use the bathroom light as a night light!


Sister1 said...

hee hee! Put my family in a road trip situation and we are just as likely to turn on each like a pack of wild dogs as we are to bond. Anything that puts the odds is favor of the latter is pure genius. All is fair in love and road trips. -Lesa

Emmy said...

Lol! Yea- staying in hotels with kids just isn't that much fun. My Akex has two volumes- loud and louder- and thanks to her night terrors, she is even loud when she sleeps!

Amy said...

*snort* - hilarious post. thanks for keeping it real! :)

MommyLisa said...

Man - when you only have one kid that splitting thing is not happening. When she and I go out I try to get us one meal and share though...and she likes that.

amanda said...

it really is crazy how a totally put together, on top of it mama can crumble and cave the second a road trip begins.


when are they going to invent a hotel room with a room for each kid AND the mom and dad. ok lets be honest even separate rooms for the mom and dad! crappy tv all to myself? yes please!

Caution/Lisa said...

During out last trip, I could not wait to get home - to my own room. My kids would be shocked at that knowledge.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Um, so, yeah...great trip, right?

I wish for separate rooms, too! But, the way my kid takes an entire bed apart is 0.2 seconds, that wouldn't be very smart.


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