I asked him what he wanted to eat for his birthday, he replied quickly with his newest, favorite food from the Easter weekend in Iowa... "sagetti corn".
I corrected him "spaghetti corn"?
"No, it's sagetti corn" he snapped back.
Which is, of course, how I introduced it to him when I scooped it up onto his paper plate Sunday afternoon, attempting to make it sound more festive (though how can a casserole made with spaghetti noodles and canned cream corn not be considered festive?).
Today marks that magical day where we will become this mythical unit you've talked about, working side-by-side as a team, parent and child, striving towards that one common goal of you becoming the best human being you can possible be.
(and for me to survive it)
Happy Birthday.
It's still actually called spaghetti corn, but I'll pick my battles.
I've never seen such exuberance EVER! He deserves to call it whatever he wants. :)
Look at how crazy happy he is! lol. I'm head-over-heels for his blue-eyes-big-dimples combo. Happy Birthday, Wyatt!
What a photo! Happy birthday, Wu!
Four is such an amazing age! They are so much fun/
Hope he has a wonderful birthday. That picture is awesome he is beyond excited!
Does this make you feel old because, I have to tell you, this makes ME feel old! I swear Wyatt was little-bittle when I began reading you... how the heck is he 4 already? He's such a cutie-pie. Spaghetti corn? Clearly some Iowan delicacy.
Happy, happy birthday to your sweet four year old! Sagetti corn and all.
happy happy bday sweet wu!!
ps - hubby hearts cream corn like really hearts it - recipe please?
Thank goodness he's so cute, because that dish has to be the most horrendous combination of... *ahem*...
(I hate creamed corn. *gack* I'm not even a little bit surprised that my word verification is cringe.)
I might have gotten a wee bit carried away with my gut reaction. Sorry.
Happy Birthday! I hope four is as great as you said it will be. (If it's any help, Corey said the same thing about 10 and it lasted for almost two years.)
Happy Belated Birthday to Wyatt!! :)
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