Wednesday, April 13, 2011

love notes

My husband stood at the top of the stairs 'Well, was she there?' he asked Wyatt when he walked through the garage door into the house.

More like a man than a three year old, he tossed his envelopes on the stairs and silently shaking his head back and forth.

My husband comes down the stairs, meeting him at the bottom step to console Wyatt, rubbing his back as Wyatt curls his little body, cat-like in response.

Wyatt stands up, crinkles his nose and says "I don't want to give them to her anymore... she wasn't there."

"But you worked so hard, don't you think she'll be there next time".

Wyatt responds with one of my phrases (thrown back into my face) "I don't care!"

Love notes to a girl whose name he can't remember.

He spent a bit of time drawing pictures, running around getting envelopes, stuffing them inside and requesting that someone write on each one... To: My Girlfriend, From: Wyatt.

Ah, young, unrequited love.

More Wordful Wednesday


Rita Templeton said...

Awww! Well, some lucky girl is really missing out. :)

Unknown said...

Aw! He's a budding Romeo (without the warring parents and duels and death and stuff). Love your blog title!

Aryn said...

Tell him to send them to me!

Jennifer said...

Awww, poor baby. Let's hope this doesn't turn him off of love forever. Just maybe the next 10 or 20 years. :)

Colette S said...

This is too fun! I thought I was the only one dealing with this!

Love it.

Mnmom said...

Bless his little heart.

Mandy said...

What a sweet fella. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. So sweet.

Capital Mom said...

That is very lovely.

amanda said...

oh wyatt - i just want to give you a big ole hug!!

Mrs. M said...

Well, at least they are generic enough that he can give them to his next love! :)

Elena Wollborg said...

That is absolutely adorable!

Shan said...

Aww, honey! (I thought his handwriting was impressive until I finished reading the post.)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Poor cute and sweet!

Laural Out Loud said...

This was so precious! What a brave little guy you have, too. Did he try to deliver them again?

Emmy said...

Awww poor guy. That is just too cute


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