Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the f word

Henry contorted his body over the railing of the stairs from the top, looking down at me while I shoved preschool-sized feet into shoes to get us all out the door.

Henry gets this look of seriousness on his face "I learned the f word today. That's a naughty word, right?"

I play dumb in these instances, seeing what he really knows "I'm not sure what you are talking about..."

Then he spits it out, "it's called fu...(well, we all know how it's spelled).


I looked up at him and told him in a sort of foggy haze "that's the worst of the worst naughty words, never say that word."

I walked outside thinking about calling up the mother of the boy who taught him. I pictured myself on a rotary phone, cupping my hand over the receiver, a la A Christmas Story, screaming something along the lines of 'do you know what your son taught mine?!'

But then I remembered what the mom on the other line says in the movie 'he heard it from his father'.

oh, fuc*

(I tease, I never say the f word).

Unless I'm really mad, then that usually includes throwing things too.

I'll take total blame if Henry starts throwing erasers across the room.

Some Chinese characters Henry is working on, I doubt it says fuc* or $hit or other naughty words, but I don't read Chinese, your guess is as good as mine.


Erin said...

I admit. It's my favorite of the naughty words. I'll also admit that with 2 non-verbal kids I would be over the moon if one of them said it out of the blue. I think their teacher would apporve. It's *something*...right?

MommyLisa said...

Uh-oh. So that is what I have to look forward to next year, huh? She is in a Lutheran Pre-K right now and there have not been any dirty words as of yet.

Homemom3 said...

My youngest has picked up those naughty words from his daddy. He knows not to say them but when daddy is in the car he will try repeating so now I'm doing the really loud thing, "Little A that is a BAD, BAD word (as I look at daddy) don't say that word." I do hate when kids start coming home though with the sas, but worse is the naughty jokes my daughter brings home or my older son. (I expect him but not her) Happy WW

That's awesome he is learning to write the characters.

Aryn said...

I can totally see Henry in this scene. He's so sweet. Don't ever let Wu learn it, he'll be saying the f-word all up in the place!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed with his writing! (Putting me to shame - he writes much better than me!) Keep up the great work! And most of the characters are numbers - so I think you're safe...for now! :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh no. I don't know what I'll do when my girls ask about that work! Ack!

Sister1 said...

Followed you here from Little Life on the Prairie, LOVE IT! Anywho, I LOVE the f word. So much so that it made my husband nervous when we started pro-creating. I would go on long rants, quote George Carlin, and talk about the arbitrary nature in which we assign words with loaded meaning. But first daughter got old enough to repeat things but not old enough to really understand the nuance and genius of Mr. Carlin. So I've (mostly) stopped. And this why. Nice response BTW. If I can remember to shut the F up I am totally going to copy your "playing dumb" routine.

amanda said...

i say the f word waaay too much. i have a problem. maybe henry and i shouldn't hang out in real life?

Mnmom said...

I just calmly asked my kids to find another word, and that using profanity was the sign of a poor vocabulary and lack of imagination.

Jen said...

That is funny! We have recently learned the middle finger at our house. You're a MN mom too, right? Is the weather killing you right now??! I'm in great need of some SUN!!

Shan said...

Yeah, no doubt where my girls will get their foul mouth from. My goal is to at least delay through kindergarten. So by my standards, you rock!

Mandy said...

Rut-rho... ;) I married a sailor, so cussing/swearing is par for the course around here....

Stacy Uncorked said...

I had to educate the hubby on some of his colorful language when Princess Nagger was younger - he did great, so we were good until we spent the day with friends who are her surrogate grandparents - it was weird to hear a 4 or 5-year old say "Oh, sh*t!" when she dropped something after that visit. ;) Luckily she isn't using colorful language anymore. :)

WW: Signs of Spring...Finally!

Janelle Halverson said...

Tryin' to quit with that one too but so far haven't had too many embarrassing swearing episodes with mine. Don't despair, I have had my fair share of other embarrassing episodes with her mouth - just not swearing! heh! My mom says you can have secrets and children-not both.

Emmy said...

Lol! I love that you referenced The Christmas Story. And are you sure about the Chineese? Have you ever seen the Kilan snow episode. Let's just say they say the word snow a lot and well it sounds a whole lot like sh**

Betty Bohemian said...

Good timing on this post! I just got a note from MT sons teacher informing me that He is saying 'dumb f-'. Which is NOT in our vocabulary. I promptly called the teach, after forcing my son to try and say the word. ( he's 5 with Downs and doesn't talk). I admitted if he starts throwing out " oh sh*t!" , that's all me right there. I'm thinking He was saying dump truck. It sounded pretty close. Lol

B. said...

oh boy...I've managed to stop swearing since I had kids, but I'm always telling the dog to "shut up!" and I can't seem to kick the habit..I really hope my toddlers don't pick that one up.


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