Tuesday, July 27, 2010

those stickers can suck it

We were outside, doing this sort of dump truck themed day at the library. Wyatt was pretty much in Heaven; climbing into the dump truck, turning the steering wheel, feeling like he was the construction worker he claims he wants to be when he grows up. The only problem was the line of kids waiting for him to get out. I told him we had to leave. He actually leaves willingly, but I should have known better – he plants his feet on the ground and demands 'another turn after the next kid is done'. I tell him we can't do that.

He screams, he throws his body on the ground, he pretty much starts to convulse.

Now, when it's just my family, I can handle this pretty well – walk away, pretend that I'm leaving and let him freak out a little bit...

but when I have my two boys and the other two little ones that I watch it's a nightmare.

I pull the youngest one out of the stroller and push Wyatt in the seat instead. I attempt to buckle him in as he contorts his body to not be restrained.

The littlest ones, a two year old and the three year old, decide to hold hands and start walking across the parking lot by themselves. Not OK.

I call them back, probably something more like “Get back here NOW!”. Henry rushes in to pull them back onto the grass.

Finally, Wyatt is strapped into the stroller, still screaming. The other two boys hold hands with Henry and walk across the parking lot with him...

until the three of them, in chain reaction, fall to the ground and of course, the chain reaction of crying continues. The two boys start crying in unison with Wyatt. Henry, at least, is able to wipe of his fall and continue on towards the van.

I'm sweating by this point, frantically just trying to get everyone to the car. I need to clear the scene as quickly as possible.

I pick each of them up, tell them they 'look OK' and that we 'have to get into the car'.

The doors slide open and I get crying children, 1,2 and 3 into their seats when along comes the librarian.

She comes rushing up “Let me get you some stickers”.

I try to be polite 'no thank you!' I'm thinking this all started with a tantrum, I'm not about to hand out stickers for all that just happened.

She insists (or isn't listening) “I'm just going to run in and get those stickers”.

I'm talking to her back “No, really, no thank you!”

I strap the last kid into his car seat (hoping to make that quick escape) when she arrives with 8 stickers in her hand like she's the hero of the day. She tell Henry “You look like the big boy, you can give them to everyone when they calm down”.

I'm so mad at her at this point, I can't say anything. She's lucky I have my sunglasses on because I'm giving her my death be yours glare. All I can think is 'those stickers can suck it'. What I needed was a sympathetic look and nod of knowing, not some freakin' stickers.

She smiles and heads back towards the rest of the group still in line for the dump truck.

I pull away with my van full of crying kids just wishing that I could throw those damn stickers out the window.


Murdock's mama said...

Oh hunny! I feel your pain! We have had several of those days this summer. You probably wouldn't have liked it if I were there either because I would've just had.to.laugh! I'm taking all 4 plus a friend to the science center today...wish me luck!! :)

tori said...

Oh man, I don't miss those days! That librarian probably thought she saved the day...maybe she never had kids? You are a strong woman not to strangle her!!

Liz Mays said...

Do it! Throw them out there right now!

Capital Mom said...

I am sending you a sympathetic look.

Emmy said...

Oh so sorry. I have been right there with you, just not with so many kids in tow.

Anonymous said...

here's your online sympathy. That sucks. I'm sorry.

KristinFilut said...

It drives me bananas when people jump in trying to "save the day" and completely undermine you authoritative role.

*look of sympathy*

citymouse said...

You, my friend, are a brave woman. Maybe a little crazy, but brave... and strong. I would have been in tears the minute I pulled away. I also would have snatched those stickers away and hissed some ell-chosen words to my kids. Seriously, I winced a little when I read your post because I have been in your shoes and no way is it fun. Hope your day got better. You deserve something nice like a foot rub. You can tell your hubby I said so.

MommyLisa said...

She definitely did not have kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh this was fantastic!! I have been exactly where you were and it sucks. Then you have to smile through gritted teeth and be nice.

I am just surprised that people still try to help. Every mom knows just to back off, that is the best.

Shan said...

Crazy interloper of a librarian!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think that i'm the mom people look at and wonder...'Does she beat her child?" mainly because when crap like that happens, I can only try and remain calm and collected before I then lose it myself. Which usually ends up with me saying something like "I want you to stop it NOW!" in a pitch comparable to what my kid is displaying.

erika said...

go back and secretly stick those stickers all over the library. that'll teach her!
*gasp* did i just say that out loud?

Mnmom said...

I have been there!!! Now when I see that going on I give the Mom a smile and say I've been there, and sometimes offer my help. Nothing harder than trying to buckle a fit-throwing child into a car seat. Wrestlers have NOTHIN on me!

Once my sister was at a playground and gave her son the 10-minutes-to-play-warning, then the 5 min, then the 1-min, then the "time-to-go". Of course he threw a major fit. So she hoisted him up under one arm and headed for the car. A clueless woman walked up and said "Maybe if you EXPLAINED THINGS to him he wouldn't be so angry!".

Mrs. M said...

I seem to get a lot of people handing me stickers too! Doesn't help at all, thanks.

Wisconsin Parent said...

Wow. That happened to us at Trader Joe's once. The guy gave us candy bars after my kids were total brats at the checkout line. I think he probably didn't have kids or just wanted them to shut up. But, hey, at least your arm didn't get stuck between the tables, right? :-) Sorry (but it secretly makes me feel better for flipping out on my kids and then openly crying at Ace Hardware the other day).

Sparkles! said...

Oh gosh, I sympathise with you!

Rebecca said...

Why do people think that rewarding a tantrum is helpful? Our family does this and it pisses me off. When the behavior repeats, they look at me all perplexed. I work so hard to not reward bad behavior only to have all my hard work undone by one prize-giving family member. I could rant about this... seriously.

You know, I have days like you describe, and I find it hard enough when it's just my kids. I can't imagine dealing with additional kids that aren't even mine. Bless you, dear woman.

Vashey Fam said...

So funny that I read this tonight. My Wyatt threw multiple tantrums today and was rewarded with *not* going to see the hot air balloon races. Good job not rewarding those tantrums! That librarian must not have kids....and I agree you are BRAVE. I think I just wouldn't go anywhere.....but I already kind of don't....sigh...maybe you should inspire me!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Clearly, she is not a mother. Because she would have never done that! That would have peeved me, too!

? said...

Suck it indeed!


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