Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm ready for a job change

I just received my social security statement for the year. Nothing make me feel like a complete economic failure more than seeing my taxable income written in dollar signs and on actual paper (and the fact that I made way more money when I was fresh out of college than of current).

It makes my mind start to wonder (yet again) what wonderful job opportunities might be out there:

Everything about this umm, position appeals to me, how can it not, it's a NUDE YOGA dvd; filmed in the forest and my favorite part, you need to send a sample of your work to apply. (Personally, my downward dog needs some attention before applying, perhaps I'll wait until after I deliver this baby.)


I'm really interested in this job because I consider my self an organized, calendar-friendly type of person, plus - it well pays awesome and on top of it, I'd get my hair done. I'm bothered that they say 'very sexy' calendar though, I'd prefer that they were just be straight up and said 'naked' or 'all your stuff better be properly trimmed 'cause we're only doing hair and makeup'.

Another potential opening...

As much as I love to share my weird tendencies to do things like eat toilet paper with my readers, I'm pretty sure that my life is not television worthy. I'll stick to letting it all out on my blog.

I'm so boring.


citymouse said...

Is this what those long Minnesota winters drive you guys to? I am sure the people around these parts ate just as seedy, but they don't have the extra cash to advertise. (And $750 for a calendar shoot?? For that kinda cash, I could fly out there and still make money on it!)

Mnmom said...

I want a job as an actress in the "before" photos for Ronco Kitchen gadgets and the like. You know, the grainy B&W shots of people covered in soap suds and blowing their bangs off their foreheads??

darcie said...


I am soo sending in my yoga!

Anonymous said...

Its always a good laugh when you see some of the posts on Craigslist.

Liz Mays said...

It makes you look back at that SS statement and think it may not look so bad after all!

Caution/Lisa said...

I dread those S.S. statements. Each year I think, "I've reached a new earnings low," and the next year it's lower.

amanda said...

hubby and i were flipping the channels a few nights ago and ran across that addiction show...we couldn't even watch it! the intro was crazy!! some girl ate chalk. like an adult. like big toddler pieces of chalk!!

LutherLiz said...

so you should totally start nude pregnant yoga! It could be a whole second video!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

I really need to read Craigslist more often...

Emmy said...

In this case boring is good :)

KristinFilut said...

Seriously, I was just job searching on craigslist the other day. How on Earth did i miss these fabulous opportunities? Bwahahaha!

Jenn said... never cease to amuse me!! And thank you, so much for the sweet comments on my blog. We're hanging in there and I will keep you posted on how little man is doing! <3

Julie said...

Visiting via SITS! What a great post to get in on. I can't wait to read more!
Oh! And I don't care for those SS deals either, especially since I am not working these days. Not looking forward to my next one. lol
Thanks for the giggles!

MommyLisa said...

Your so cute! I love the idea of naked yoga myself - but my flab would probably ruin the shoot. :P


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