Monday, July 12, 2010


You lose a little bit of yourself all the time in the game of motherhood. I can lose a little bit cutting up my kids' waffles at breakfast, a little bit at giving them a bath; scrubbing between their toes. It's not just stay at home mothers, it's all mothers, you give up yourself a lot in motherhood. I think that's something we all can relate to.

That's why I started blogging.

Just like you, I've found this outlet, this place where I can be creative again, talk about my kids or not; write about my frustrations, my fears, my loves and my not so lovelies. I find camaraderie in blogging. I have teammates in this game of motherhood.

Honestly though, blogging isn't great all the time, it takes away my attention, my time. I can get caught up in the moment, of whose life is better or worse than mine. So when I was contacted by to participate in a 'Do Good Day', it was easy to answer 'yes'. This is the good part of blogging. That part where this community exhibits good, does good, is good. No - great. and 77 kids by american eagle are coming together, along with 7 bloggers from 11 cities across the United States (easy math for you, that's 77 bloggers), to 'Do Good' all on the same day, July 14th. I'm joining a group of fabulous bloggers.

Doing good is infectious. After I was a surrogate, I struggled to find this place where I felt I was living a life with purpose, I donated my breast milk, I volunteer and finally, four years after the birth of my surrogate son, I've come to realized that it's not these gigantic things that change people's lives, it's the everyday, little things.

Now, go and do a little good. July 14th, 'Do Good Day' is a great start.

Like I said, it's infectious.


The Minnesota team will be at the Science Museum of Minnesota, from 10am to 1pm July 14th 'Doing Good in our Neighborhood'. If you'd like, come say 'hi'. We might be infectious, but we won't bite!


Aryn said...

YAY! Good prevails again!

Anne said...

GREAT post! Can't wait to meet you on Wednesday!! ~Anne

Emmy said...

What a great idea... Hmm on the 14th I will be taking Ryder for his two month check-up where he will get a lot of is that doing good or not? When I hear him cry I may doubt it ;)

Mimi N said...

Great post!! I have thought about being a surrogate and I always wanted to donate my breastmilk. My husband wasn't in favor of the 2nd and I never mentioned the surrogate part to him. You've done good in this world!


Liz Mays said...

Oh yay! You're one of the MN girls! I'm not, but there's a bunch of you I know!

Rachael Coe said...

What a great post! You have already been a blessing to so many. I am very much looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday! I know we'll have a blast!

Shan said...

Phew! When I first started reading your post, I was afraid that stopping blogging was something that you found infectious (where the heck is Rambler?!?). Seems like I've seen a lot of that lately.

I will say that I already have quite the busy day on Wednesday, from continuing to wrap things up at work to a doctor's appointment to the hospital tour (yes, I know I've had a kid there already... because something might have changed, *that's* why!). All the same, I will try to work in a little goodness for the day. Maybe if I get it in early, Doc will go easy on me during the GBS test, *fingerscrossed* haha.

tori said...

I wish I was a MN girl!! I'd love to come!

amanda said...

u my dear r a rockstar.

Jenn said...

Awesome girl...absolutely awesome of you!! I try to "do good" every day...thanks for the reminder that it matters! You rock!!


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