Wednesday, June 30, 2010

do I get paid for this?

I really try hard to get the kids (and by kids, I mean my two boys and the two other boys that I watch, so that's four kids, ages 6 and under...yes, I'm slightly crazy) out and doing something, especially during the summer.

But believe me, it's not an easy task planning water bottles, snacks, clothing changes, diaper changes, towels, sunscreen... for four kids.

Of course, I don't do it just for them; getting out of the house means keeping my sanity in the world of childcare.

Henry is sitting besides me on the bench taking a break from the overwhelming scene that can be the unsupervised, drop-your kids off for a little me time free outdoor water 'playground' that we also refer to as the Splash Pad.

Henry looks at me and says "I wish you were my daycarer".

(This makes me cringe, the word daycare. It's almost as bad as being called a babysitter, like my aunts, cousins... generally any one of my relatives from Iowa likes to call what I 'do'. "How's the babysitting, Beth?" 'suck it' I whisper in my head. Being called a 'babysitter' is being compared to a teenager who has permission to pop in a DVD, eat all the food in the fridge and 'free to make make yourself at home once the kids are in bed', I'm *not* a babysitter. Of course I reply "Good, Grandma!" and telling my grandma to 'suck it' probably wouldn't have been the nicest thing to do anyway). I digress.

Henry wishes I was his 'daycarer'.

I tell him "I take care of you every day and more special, we are together all the time".

Henry: "I could have different parents and still see you during the day."

Me: "But I wouldn't get to see you all the time. I'd miss you, you're my son!" (all motherly and proud).

Henry: "But I could get different parents."

Me (in a slightly whiny voice): 'But wouldn't you miss ME?"

Henry (all matter-of-factly): "I'd get use to it though".


Some days I wish I would get paid for taking care of you too, Sweetie.


Liz Mays said...

In a roundabout kids' logic kind of way, that is extraordinarily sweet!

Danielle said...

Thats so funny.It always amazes me how kids think. And good for you getting the kids out everyday. I do the same. It may just be to our back yard, but at least we get there right?

Sheree said...

He's just seeing how lucky the others you care for are and trying to figure out how to get in on the action!
Someday (in a blink of an eye), he'll look back and remember...
Kids are just too darn cute with the things that they can think up! Love it!

Aryn said...

"And how's your newsletter, Aryn? And the babysitting for you, Beth?" Oh relatives.
I can totally hear Henry's little voice saying this. You nailed it.

amanda said...

every time we drive by a daycare with the outdoor playground she tells me i need to start going to work so she can go to daycare...

they have no idea do they :)

Emmy said...

Oh you know he loves you. :) My kids have told me they wish I worked so they could play on the fun playgrounds at the daycare centers.

So they want to choose a playground over me.. so I feel your pain.

Rebecca said...

He owes you. Now you get to move in with him when you are too old to care for yourself. He'll be your daycarer.

citymouse said...

You know, there's not enough money in the world to be paid what you (and other Moms) deserve!

Once he plucks your last nerve one day, you'll have to ask him how that new parent search is going.

Murdock's mama said...

This is really funny! Babysitter...oh how I LOATHE that word!!! UGH!

Mnmom said...

Know what always got me? That we'd pay teen boys buckets of money to mow lawns, but we pay teenage girls a piddling amount to watch the most important things in our lives. And "daycarers" are among the lowest paid workers. But car repair people are worth $50 an hour or more??

Shan said...

Oh, ouch! Let's just focus on the fact that he likes hanging out with you.

Las Vegas Mama said...

4 kids, ouch! that seems hard to coordinate for outings!

Vanessa said...

Their brains are so fun! I think it was sweet -- and I think I would love to get paid to watch my girls too! ;-)

Becky Fyfe said...

LMAO! Kids say the sweetest things!

Jenn said...

Ahhh...hahahahahahahaha!!! Kids are funny. :)


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