Thursday, June 3, 2010

another one where I look like an idiot

It started out innocently enough. We (me and the three toddlers) were sitting outside of the library after a fun story time featuring the letter 'F' or something just as clever. They were sitting on the metal benches; L shaped with a metal table between them, munching happily on those damn teddy bear graham snacks and sippy cups with water.

They finished up their snacks and I bent over to clean up the mess that only three toddlers could make (because I try to be a responsible child care provider when visible to the public, teasing). I reached in between the bench and the table to pick up two of the straggling bear grahams. I couldn't quite reach them, so I squeezed my arm down a little farther. I finally grabbed them in my fist and pulled up.

Only my arm wouldn't budge. I twisted it, I tried some sliding up and down action, I took off my watch to see if that would somehow make me thinner, I went down to the floor on my knees to see if the different angle would release my arm.

Yep. Nothing worked.

I closed my eyes and twisted my neck as much as I could, sort of giggling, like silly me: "Miss, could you help me? My arm is stuck."

Of course, the kids were all looking at me thinking I'm acting like the normal weirdo I am. 'Mommy, get your arm out'. The lady helping looked pretty much the same way 'you got your arm in there, can't you get it out the same way?'

Logical as that sounds, it wasn't happening.

I asked if she could get some lotion. My first thought was actually butter since that's what I tried using to get Henry's head stuck out of a banister once, but then realized butter probably wouldn't be the first thing they *might* have at a library. Lotion it is.

She told me she didn't have anything, but she would go get help.

In the meantime, she packed up her lunch. Looking at what she might have to help me, she offered her banana peel. I looked at it, said the heck with it and started smearing the banana peel all over my still stuck arm.

I then grabbed a sippy cup, twisted it open with my mouth and my one free hand and poured the water over my arm. The only effect that had was to soaked my arm and to start a puddle under the table that slowly crept onto the knees of my pants.

Cool, now I looked like I've peed my pants.

Then the security guard from the library showed up, asking the same question; 'can't you just pull it out?'

I wanted to say 'No, see I'm an idiot and those three kids are all mine, all less than 1 year apart and I'm pregnant right now, see super smart and responsible!" (dang it, why was I wearing a shirt that didn't make me look 'obviously pregnant' not just a shirt that says 'maybe she's just fat?')

I couldn't figure out a way to casually work into the conversation that I was pregnant and that he should totally give me a 'pregnancy points' break.

He decided to call maintenance to see if they could unbolt the table from the ground.

Great, *see* if they can unbolt it. I have visions of 911 being called for the poor woman that has her arm stuck between a table, a bench and some soggy teddy bear graham snacks. Awesome.

The maintenance crew rolled in with a tray of tools and determined that it was OK to unbolt the table.

The security guard asked me for my name and so forth. 'Perfect!' I'm thinking. He's writing out an incident report so they can all laugh about it later on, maybe post it on the cork board for the other security guards to chuckle at.

And I still need to work in somewhere that I'm pregnant, not just a fat mom with three toddlers poking their fingers at my face.

Finally, they unbolted the table, the kids all cheered (probably more so from getting a huge stack of stickers for being so patient) and the security guard asked one last time, 'am I sure I don't want to have an ambulance called to check out my arm?'

'Umm, no thanks.'

I left with my bruised arm, bruised ego and those damn soggy teddy bears thrown back into my tupperware,

because I'm a good child care provider like that,

albeit an idiot.


Liz Mays said...

You poor thing! Your arm must have swelled up to a ridiculous extent! I'm thinking your ego is probably more bruised than your arm is though.

Allison said...

Oh dear Lord, you're funny! Sorry you had such an embarassing experience but it was quite entertaining for us :-)

MommyLisa said...

Oh...that is terrible! I hope they don't laugh at you...

Mrs. M said...

Oh no! I am so glad they were able to free you but not that you had to ask (and get) help!

But it makes for a great blog story!! :)

LutherLiz said...

I'm a little afraid to giggle because this seems like it should be a cautionary tale for me. Cue to dramatic music "Mommies Beware! Next Time is Could be Yooooooooooou"

Glad you are ok though!

Bombshell BLISS said...

I'm surprised they didn't revoke your library card, you trouble maker you.

Too funny, mostly because that is something that would happen to me and I'm not even pregnant...I'd just be fat. LOL

Rebecca said...

No! You made this up!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help myself...

Emmy said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I can't even imagine. And yeah pregnancy points are a good thing. Glad they didn't have to call the fire department.

Emmy said...

That is insane! Yeah babies just don't slid out

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, B.....that is too much. And, I can totally see myself doing that! I hope your ego and arm are healing nicely.

Murdock's mama said...

Oh my gosh...this is terrible!! You poor preggo lady!! :( If it weren't you that posted this I wouldn't even believe it! :)

Unknown said...

Oh no! This is seriously something that would happen to joke! Glad you're okay honey!

Shan said...

Thanks for taking one for the team... 'cuz if you hadn't done it, I'm sure I would have sooner or later.

One time (eons ago... before Corey, even), I was turning left to get onto a freeway when I *brilliantly* decided to reset the tripometer. By sticking my hand through the steering wheel. Pretty sure I almost amputated my arm...

You're not alone. And I wasn't even pregnant then. You should totally get pregnancy points.

Gettysburg Mom said...

It's BECAUSE you're pregnant- like when rings don't fit anymore. All of your weight has clearly gone to your one arm. Clearly.

And I was totally rooting for the banana peel to work. How awesome would that have been?

kristine said...

I hate to laugh, but I cna't help it. Glad you're ok, momma.

darcie said...

let me get this you went through all of pick up some crackers off of the ground? outside?
Where, um, birds and other things could potentially just pick them up and eat them?
::shakes head::
yep...your preggo alright!

Mnmom said...

That's the kind of thing that happens to ME! "Can't you just pull your arm out"? Seriously??
My guess is the kids weren't patient, they were riveted by the saga going on right before their eyes.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness your kids didn't take the opportunity to run free and cause chaos. Or pull down your pants to see your underwear...
When they asked about the ambulance you could've said, "I'm OK, it's just a bruise on my arm and my UNBORN CHILD INSIDE ME is fine too, since it was just my arm." Are you sure they didn't take pictures or video to post and show later? ha ha!

Amy said...

OMG, you poor thing. That story made me laugh out loud my dear but I do feel bad. I was kinda laughing because I would be doing the same thing, "hmm how can I inform these people that I'm pregnant and this isn't a daily thing??"

Congrats on your pregnancy. I've been a little out of the loop. So excited for you :)

Janelle Halverson said...

oh my stars!! I am gasping for air - i thought these kinds of things only happened to me!! glad it all worked out but what a great story!

Capital Mom said...

That is crazy! Just wait until you go back to storytime next week. You'll be "that lady!" :-)
Glad you got out though!

Danielle said...

Thats quite a story! Its good to know that Im not the only mother that has embarressing things happen to me. Please keep sharing your stories, I love them!!

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

LOL THIS SOOO would happen to me.

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

LOL THIS SOOO would happen to me.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oh no, I'm sorry!

That would be embarrassing.

This made me giggle though. I once got my head stuck behind our computer table. I had squeezed it to get a toy and then I couldn't get it back out. Cue panic.

Unknown said...

You deserve some kind of award. Oh my goodness. This takes the cake. I am so sorry this happened to you---it actually sounds like the sort of predicament I'd find myself in. Hope your arm is okay!

Wisconsin Parent said...

Oh wait, she packed up her lunch? Good thing the baby wasn't crowning and her shoe was untied? Travis probably could have helped you with some WD40 from his man purse. Letter F - ha ha ha ha.

citymouse said...

Bless your heart! I bet your husband howled with laughter though (and it did make an awesome blog post!).

MollyinMinn said...

Oh my. What an image. But as always, at least you kept your sense of humor about it.

Vanessa said...

"Could you help me, I'm pregnant and have my arm stuck here" may have worked -- because it doesn't matter what the problem is, randomly throwing in that you're pregnant even if it doesn't relate to the problem at hand should be like a free pass... ;-)

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Oh my gosh. And I thought things like this only happened to me. Glad to see I'm not the only spaz out there!

Lifeofkaylen said...

It's like you were being punished for trying to be good!!
And this is a good reason why I should not clean.
(or have small children)


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