Tuesday, June 22, 2010

if you give a boy a bullet

I feel like I should preface this by saying contrary to what you might want to believe, I'm not the type of mother who carries around bullets in her handbag. My sister is training for (ahem... a second! Thank you very much) tour of duty to Afghanistan in January. She doesn't generally carry around bullet casings, but lucky for my boys, she had two in her Army backpack during our last visit to Iowa.


If you give a boy a bullet, he will pretend that it's a gun, run around outside, pointing it at his brother and anyone else in his vicinity; he's brother doing the same, both pretending that they are 'bad guys'.

If you give a boy a bullet, he will shout at you from the other room 'Mom, where is my gun?' and surprisingly, you don't flinch at him asking this.

If you give a boy a bullet, he will fall asleep holding onto his bullet in one fist, sniffing his blankie and sucking his two fingers from the other hand.


Funny, this seemed so much more sweet when I was writing out this post in my head.


The Nice One said...

Oh yea, my kiddo LOVES to find Grampa's empty bullet casings. It's like a biiiig new fancy treasure....

Danielle said...

Like I always say, boys will be boys. And as we all know, they dont change when they get older. My husband just bought a new lawn mower and he is going around mowing everything in sight.I dont think I will have much grass left when he is done. So funny!!


Rebecca said...

It is sweet. It has to remind you of your sister and how she will use the strength that bullet represents to protect your boys.

Thank you to your sister, by the way, for protecting my boys and girl, too!

Murdock's mama said...

whoop whoop for a visit to Iowa! :)
Maybe I should think a little more before I continue to pray for 5 boys! :)

Together We Save said...

Yeah!! for letting the boys play and have fun!

Unknown said...

I think every boy would do the same thing. I hope all goes well for your sister. Stopping from

amanda said...

awesome. your world of little boys is seriously about to be rocked :) and i for one can't wait to be on that ride!

Vanessa said...

Ahhh, a boy and his bullet. Sort of like a girl and her lip gloss. You'll see. :-)

RuensOnTheRun said...

It was a cute post! Thanks to your sister!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Too cute! Love the story..we read if you give a pig a party tonight!

PS You might want to check your feed from me...you might need to re follow..it's acting funny!

Shan said...

It's a little like one of Mad's favorites, which she calls "Moose a Mussin". Sweet in it's own way (totally unlike that Give a Cat a Cupcake... what an obnoxious cat!).

I must be in a whiny mood or something, but SERIOUSLY?!? my word verification is ziquorkm? (In case Bossy Betty's reading this, no... it's not an option.)

And lastly... thank you to your sister. I appreciate what she and others like her have done for my family and me.

Emmy said...

Lol! And if you gave it to my daughter she would run around saying she was going to kill something... not sure where/why she picked that one up.

citymouse said...

Ahhh boys. It doesn't get any better as they get older. My husband buys ammo every time I send him to Wal Mart and while he has guns, he never shots them... he just wants them and lots of them.

Hubs got a Red Rider for Fathers Day and took some of our guys in the backyard to shoot Pepsi cans (can you tell I live in the country?) One of my 14-year olds almost shot his eye out. All I could think about was A Christmas Story!

Sending prayers and good thoughts to your sister.

Debbie said...

You made me laugh with this one! The truth in it is universal.

Mimi N said...

Only in MN? Some friends at church have kind of become my boys' surrogate grandparents. About a month ago, after church grandpa Kurt handed out bullet casings to my boys! Hysterical. My boys loved them!



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