Monday, May 24, 2010

hands down - Minnesota Mommy Idol winner

I think I found my newest idol. Her name is Amanda (my husband loves the name Amanda and wishes many a days that I would change our baby girl's name to something more normal, like Amanda - but forget it, husband I'm not... anyways). Her name is Amanda, she's from Minnesota like me and she just had her third baby (see, we have tons things in common with each other).

But why is she my newest idol, you might ask?

Because she just gave birth while driving herself to the hospital.

Here's a few quotes from the newest mother on the block:

After her water broke, Amanda managed to pull her pants down while driving and "and then the baby just came out". "I was just sitting on the seat and he just slid out".

Umm, babies don't just 'slid' out of you! I've given birth to three - 6 pound 12 ounce peanuts (yes, I'm a freak with some sort of internal timer where all my babies weigh exactly the same weight at birth), I cannot imagine a 8 pound baby just *falling out* between my legs as I go merrily on my way to the hospital.

OK, so maybe we don't have that in common.

The article continues on: she held the baby and turned the heater on, and managed to steer the car into the parking lot of the hospital.

Do you read that? That means she continued to drive to the hospital *after* just giving birth to her son!

I admit, I'm not a big cell phone user (I know there are people gasping in horror at this), but I'm pretty certain I would be calling 911 after delivering a baby behind the wheel of my Chevy and *not* driving our new threesome to the hospital.

Also, pretty certain after giving birth to a child, I like to use some of my 'princess points' for my husband to treat me all special: like getting me some water... ordering me a pizza... talking about how awesome I am for just bringing a human being into the world.

So, maybe Amanda and I don't have that much in common after all.

She's still from Minnesota. Rock on Minnesota girls!


Liz Mays said...

She is hardcore! Her pain threshold must be off the charts!

Jayme said...

I wonder why pulling over didn't cross her mind

Murdock's mama said...

I have nothing to say besides WOW! You could not have posted this better!

amanda said...

i am pretty sure her princess points should buy her a new car!!

no flipping way dude. no flipping way.

Vanessa said...

WOW!! I had 8 lb babies and there ain't no way I would've been able to keep driving!!!

Mandy said...

DUDE. She's my hero. How are you feeling?

jen said...

at first i was "oh-boo-hoo" i'm not her mn mommy idol ... and then i read your post.
holygranola girl.
i managed 3 natural births but wow.
while driving. that woman is my newest idol too!
and sidenote ... weird that all your babies were the same weight. crazy.

Shan said...

That is something I cannot imagine doing... the driving while in labor nor the 8 pounder sliding out. Corey was 8.0 and Mad was 8.3 and there wasn't much sliding going on from what I recollect.

(And hooray for not naming your kid something "normal"... I sort of feel bad for Madelyn since she's the only one in our family with such a classic name.)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Holy could only be so lucky for it to "not hurt too much."

Debbie said...

As you know, we both wrote about her. Amazing, isn't she? I still can't believe it.

Heidi said...

Wow! She must have deliveries that don't go the way mine do. I couldn't even sit up while I was in labor. Your title is definitely fitting. What a woman!

Stephanie said...

She even thought to turn the heater up! Wow. She deserves some kind of medal...or a free car. You know the kind of car campaign you could run with a story like that? lol
Fab post!

Rebecca Jo said...

Visiting from SITS..

OH MY ... I've never given birth before but I ached & felt my ovaries cramp at the idea of a baby SLIDING right out in the car.. oh my goodness!!!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Holy cow! She is my new hero too.


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