Thursday, May 20, 2010

holding my breath

Wyatt keeps asking to hear more: "(Re)memba, memba when Papa threw soda in your face? He didn't want your face blue".

Yes, sweet three year old of mine. I remember* when I was little, probably about your age, when my father scooped me up in his arms and threw his Coke (and, I imagine, whiskey though that part didn't make it into the baby book) into my plump little face to stop me from holding my breath; holding it until I turned a pale blue and on occasion, passed out.

*I use the word 'remember' loosely because I only think I remember it, because it was written down in my baby book and passed down in stories to me from my parents. My baby book contained a Polaroid from the hospital, a clipping of my hair, some notes from the first weeks of life and this story; the one about me being spoiled rotten about not getting my way, so much that I held my breath. I guess that's the kind of baby book you get being the third child, slightly better than my younger sister's baby book, which she decided to fill out herself. True story - her little handwriting is all over that book, poor kid.

I digress.

So, now I sit here wondering, waiting, what kind of repercussions am I going to have for telling this story to my children? Is Wu going to start practicing holding his breath so I can freak out and schedule a MRI to confirm that this just isn't a form (albeit persuasive form) of temper tantrums just like my parents did?

Am I the only idiot who shares stories like this with their kids?

Until then, I'm just holding my breath (and spending a lot of time in the McDonald's drive-thru ordering large Diet Cokes - thank you for bringing back the $1 sodas BTW, I love not having to get out of my car - and giving him sips of mine to stave off desires of having it thrown in his own face).


Aryn said...


TRUE STORY! My handwriting IS all over my own baby book. What a nice memory on my birthday. :)

I love your passout story. It's one of my favorites. XO

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I don't have baby books for either of my girls, so I imagine a third would be almost no existent, right?

That's a pretty good story! Maybe I will buy a book for my kids to fill out for themselves.

Emmy said...

Lol! Wow sounds like you were quite the child :)

And well you will have to let us know if he tries it.

Rebecca said...

I like stories like that. They say so much more about ourselves and our families than just the usual, "First Smile 4/1/10 at seven weeks of age!" The personal, funny, tragic, etc... stories are the ones that make us who we are. They should be written down and told to our own kids again and again and again!

Yum. Now I want a Coke.

Unknown said...

we mistakenly share the "bad" stories with the kids. The best is when DH tells the kids how grandpop hit him with a frying pan, that story is a hoot!
stopping by from SITS

Capital Mom said...

Sometimes I wonder how much I actually remember and how much my stories are just the photos I have looked at.

Vanessa said...

I loved hearing stories about my mom as a kid -- of course it was normally other family members telling us... Remind me to keep my girls away from my cousins...

MommyLisa said...

Okay - cute. Boo Boo may have to fill out her own book too! :( sigh.

Amy said...

I'm new to your blog and I just had to say that I adore it. It makes me laugh out loud because I can just see the same things happening to me. :)

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. Kids are little punks.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Both of my children have been breath holders to get their own way at times. It didn't work though.

Shelly - Tropical Mum said...

Baby book? What's that? I have ONE baby photo of me. None other exist, and it was when I was about a year or more. Come to think of it, that is so odd!

But my parents have stories. Apparently, my whopper that I told when caught with candy was that I found it growing out of the sidewalk. See? I was creative even then.

Stephanie said...

Oh those baby books! I am the worst Mommy about those! I'm hoping hudreds of pics of both my kids can be enough to show the love:)
As for telling the kids too much? Nah, we all share our memories!

CJ Poindexter said...

I don't even know if there were such things as babybooks when I was a baby! There aren't even pictures of me as a baby. (I am the youngest out of 4)

The funny thing is my sister (2nd oldest) doesn't have any pics either. Did I mention that my other two siblings are boys? What is up with that! My smallest Noelle was a breath holder.

Your blog is great. And I love the blog is called "Killing Superwoman..."


amanda said...

love this! and for the record - you aren't the only one who shares this kind of stuff :)

Tyne said...

Awesome! I told my kids that when my brother and I were younger we used to put pop rocks in sprite and then shake up the bottle. EVERYTIME we go to the store they want to buy pop rocks and sprite. I guess it could be worse, I could tell them about other beverages we consumed when we were kids ;)

The Lady of the House said...

The $1 Sweet Tea is my drug.


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