Tuesday, May 11, 2010

things could have been different

And what did I do for Mother's Day that would make me feel so special, make me feel so appreciated for all the hard work that I do ever single day of the year? I let my husband race a marathon 50 mile mountain bike race, that's what. Where I got the special privilege of getting up at 6 in the morning, packing up the snack and DVDs for the car and the extra special treat of getting to wake my kids up a hour earlier than they are use to for a car trip.

Added bonus, I got to drop my husband off at 9am in a foreign town to make a special day just me, the kids* and my GPS telling me where the nearest Perkins was (since that's the only thing open on Sunday mornings and word to the wise, Mother's Day is a popular day for eating at Perkins, get there early.)

So after Perkins, we headed to the movie theater to grab tickets and a large root beer to share (because why not add to the carb-lovers breakfast we just had of hash browns, mammoth muffins and pancakes). I stood behind the counter waiting for the high schooler, who was obviously excited to be there, to finally ask me 'what I wanted?'.

That's when I noticed it, the cardboard sign for beers of draft AT THE FREAKIN' MOVIE THEATER!

This could have been life changing.

Can you imagine how much better a first date would have gone if you would have been able to get a little tipsy in the comforts of a dark movie theater with the almost stranger you now decided to share a tub of popcorn with?

Things could have been different.

Many, many a first dates could have gone much better.

Maybe gone so well that I wouldn't be left by myself, pregnant with my two boys, in a foreign town to entertain them for the entire day, on Mother's Day.

I tease.

I promise, I wouldn't want it any other way.

(Just remember this post, dear husband, when Mother's Day rolls around again next year.)

* I make it sound worse than it was. I used this race as an excuse to be lazy the entire weekend and soak this Mother's Day thing up for all that it was worth.

The Razor Scooter giveaway is over tomorrow, enter if you want a chance to win here.


4luvandlife said...

Oh no you didn't

amanda said...

you are a rock star wife!!

and beer at the movies?? you are right - soooo many things could have been different....

Vanessa said...

I think beer + movie = 2nd date because you'd think that the first date went a lot better than it actually did... ;-)

MommyLisa said...

You Rock - he will make it up to you!

p.s. WINE at the movie theater (yes there is one!) is infinitely better for a date IMHO.

Liz Mays said...

So did you get it? Did you have a beer?

Anonymous said...

Commenting from the Droid incredible. Sweet.

citymouse said...

Beer in the movie theater? Yet another reason my hubby will want to move to Minnesota!

Lifeofkaylen said...

We have about 4 movie theaters in my city that plays movies after they leave the main theaters and before they are on dvd and they all serve beer. We also have a movie theater nearby that has couches to sit on and a wine bar, and a waiter who will come back and refill your glass (for a hefty price)!
Movies have def evolved.

It sounds like a LOVELY day to prove what a great mother you are. :)

kristine said...

Love it. You're such a good wife and mommy, beth! Happy belated Mother's day!

Shan said...


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, you are too awesome!

And, we have those places here. You can get dinner and wine, too!

In Texas, they have Alamo Draft Houses..they are a blast!

hidden said...

Ah, the mothers day milking... I'm glad I'm not the only one. Only a mom can wake up extra early and take care of kids all day and still say they are being lazy.

Genevieve Richer said...

DUDE!!! U rock! Ur a real Superchick!!! Thx 4 the comment sister! I want a cupcake 2! LOL


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