Monday, May 3, 2010

cervical rest, good for what ails ya

Dear Cervix,

I don't know what the heck you are thinking, but crapping out on me isn't the best thing in the world right now. Being called 'friable' doesn't make me feel sexy or does it make me sound young. I mean, come on, this is just my fourth pregnancy, it's not my 19th like some other person we all know and I'm pretty sure with the rate that children are popping out of her, Jim Bob isn't getting use to the wife being on cervical rest.

So what's your problem?

It's not really fun calling my midwife at 1 am in the morning. It's not cool, her giving me the impression, that if I didn't have other kids sleeping, she would have sent me to the emergency room right then and there.

But, whatever. You've seem to have started doing your job again, thank you. We are back to doing all of the normal stuff we use to do together (except for the one thing that got us here in the first place).

It's going to be a long summer.

Please, try to keep up the good work.
Me, Anti-Supermom


LutherLiz said...

Scary. I'll be praying you are locked up tight until an appropriate full term time!

Let me know if you ever need a hand with anything.

Murdock's mama said...

Very scary...I'll be thinking of you! Hopefully you're good now! :)

Rebecca said...

Oh, no! Dear Super-Cervix (no anti- in that one), stay strong! That is, stay strong for a few more months, and then please become a softy and open WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO.

Liz Mays said...

I do hope you're back to life as it ought to be! Relax and rest!

Mandy said...

Good grief! Get off your feet, girl! Yeah, yeah, I know...easier said than done when there are others to care for. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I want to be put on cervical rest and I'm not even pregnant ;-)

citymouse said...

Nothing like a renegade whoo-ha to complicate life! Be kind to yourself and take things slowly. In the big scheme of things, it'll be over in no time. (I know... easy for me to say.)

Emmy said...

Hope it stays closed up nice and tight for you.. so not fun.

Shan said...

It seems *really* strange to type "I'll be thinking of you and your cervix," but I kind of will. Here's for everything being the way it should. And really, aren't you glad you had those sleeping kids? Otherwise you would have had to go to the emergency room... yuck!


Shan :+)
PS my WV is "diation"... just like dilation, only not.

Vanessa said...

Yeesh. Rest that cervix!

Stephanie said...

Oh dear! I am so out of the loop, because I JUST realized you're expecting again. SO happy for you - and a GIRL too! Hope you're doing better today!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

Oh hun. Yours is a cautionary tale for those who take their fertility for granted...

Why don't you nickname your wonky cervix "Miss UnFriable". That way you can diss her when she acts all wonky.

Hoping for the rest of this pregnancy journey that things run on course and smoothly.

I had to laugh at your reference to Mrs. 19 and you just know more on the way. She should have gotten a wakeup call w/the latest bb being born so early and is so fragile. That's God talking. Hope she listens.

Hugs to you sweetie,

the grey lady

Michelle said...

Ug.. the nerve of that cervix. It could show a little appreciation for not having to deal with 19 kids!

I'm glad it's working again though. I'll be praying it stays that way!

Erin said...

I was on cervical rest during my pregnancy too. It's not fun! I'm sure everything will be just fine, just take it easy!

amanda said...

wait what?? r u kidding me?? sooo not cool cervix - sooo not cool!!

hang in there friend...


Capital Mom said...

Hang in there! You can do it! :-)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I shall yell at your cervix from here..."do your thing, cervix...don't bail out now!"

Hoping things stay tight and locked up for the duration of your pregnancy.


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