Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my child is not a lush

My children were spoiled during Christmas.

Not just in the over-abundance of toys from grandparents or the cookies crammed in by the mouthful, but my boys went through 5 bottles of sparkling juice over the span of the Christmas week.

I poured them each their own glass(es) in champagne flutes for the full effect until my father freaked out calmly told me that the glasses were from Germany and could not be replaced. So, I switched them out with the Target version of the white wine glass, nonetheless still made from glass and told them it was champagne.

I could see the word 'champagne' roll around in their little brains as they savored every last drop from their glass.

But now, Wyatt wakes up in the morning, climbs up the stairs in his footed pajamas, opens the refrigerator door and demands 'more champagne' (though he will also say 'lotion' because he has somehow figured the two most confusing words for a two-year-old to say must mean the same thing.)

So if you happen to hear my child ask for 'more champagne' (or 'more lotion') just letting you know, my child is not a lush

nor does he have some sort of freaky lotion love thing going on.


Brandi said...

That's hilarious! Visiting from SITS!


Erin said...

Hilarious!! My parents ALWAYS had sparkling juice in champagne glasses for me over the holidays. It was such a treat.

Emmy said...

Lol! This is too funny. My kids love this stuff to, and well so do I. Good luck getting them off the bottle ;)

MamaOtwins+1 said...

and that is how addicts are made! My boys were drinking root beer out of wine glasses. I didn't even think about champagne!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Too funny.

We also have a lot of sparkling juice over here. But not for the kids, for us adults.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

My child has been asking for "more wine," which is what we called the sparkling apple juice.

Shan said...

I have an extra bottle of champagne... um... lotion... er... sparkling cider. It's only about 2700 miles away, but he's welcome to it, haha.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! When I was younger I drank pop out of a wine glass because it made me feel fancy.

Working Mommy said...

LOL! Just like mommy...right?!


Jenn said...

LMAO! I feel like CRAPOLA today and this made me smile...job well done girl! :)

kayerj said...

ummm . . . I believe you :)

Angelica Bays, said...

LOL! I don't know why, but the mental pic of your footed jammy toddler asking for lotion from the fridge was just hilarious!
Oh, and I'm alwasy disappointed when I'm offered Champagne instead of Martinelli's! ;o)

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

girly you are a hot mess!

loves it.

in europe, alcohol isn't taboo for the young set.

it's why the young 'uns don't care much for it and there are less issues w/youth drinking and all that.

let them sip away.

if i weren't diabetic, i'd be lifting a glass of champers to you, on the blue moon new years.

hugs, hun

the grey lady

Anonymous said...

Love this!! Used to get junk in champagne glasses when I was a kid so naturally so do mine! It's like some childhood-must-do! ;)
Happy New Year!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That's hilarious. I would have never thought to give the girls glasses of bubbly juice, but we did bump glasses and say cheers.

amanda said...

sooo funny!!

can we have some sparkly stuff next weekend??

Capital Mom said...

For some reason I picture him doing that while wearing a smoking jacket and holding a cigar.

Rebecca said...

Our kids like beer and ask for it all the time, even in front of strangers. That's embarrassing.

mommytoalot said...

LOL..too funny...

Heidi said...

You know you are going to have them asking about having more champagne when you are sitting in a very quiet church meeting where everyone in the congregation can hear him.
Oh and my sister ate lotion one time by accident, you can tell him it tastes nasty, so he doesn't need to try it out.

Beth I have REALLY enjoyed getting to know you this year! Thanks for being such a great friend. I hope you have a wonderful new year!

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better my son went through a phase where he keep asking for more crack. He really wanted crackers, but couldn't handle saying the last part of the word.

Candi (and Emma, too) said...

I remember always having sparkling juice on New Years with my parents and their friends so I could have a matching glass to "drink what they were drinking". I sooo thought I was a youngster sipping on some bubbly, tons more cool than all of my friends :).

MollyinMinn said...

This is a riot! Just visiting from the MN Blogger Meet Up group. And had to comment on this one. We get the kids a taste of champagne awhile ago to celebrate a family member's engagement, and my son kept asking, "Can I have just a little piece of alcohol?"


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