Thursday, May 14, 2009

truth in advertising

One of my favorite bloggers of all time posted this story that I fell in love with, amazed by, so much so that I told my husband about it; "Can you believe it?" "What a great story." It was fabulous... and two months later I found out it was completely fictional.

Who the heck cares. Blog what you want to blog, I say. If you want to write about swimming across the Thames River, naked, awesome. If you want to blog about sliding down a side of a non-dormant volcano, face-first, very cool.

I'd probably believe you.

I'm gullible like that and I'm a horrible liar (I get this nervous tummy thing that goes on until I spill the beans, so it's way better for me just to let it out than feel all gassy for days on end). My blog is about the real me (and of course, my children), so here you have it:

Who My Mom Is
from the mouth of my five-year-old, written by his preschool teacher (using his 'words') with commentary from yours truly.

Let's take a closer look at this:

The truth is that when my children are not around, I nap. I curl up on the couch, me and my blanket and sleep. There is no shame in a great nap. I get the laundry done too, but childless time spent doing laundry is just wasted napping time. We've all heard the good motherly advice; waste not, want not.

Yes, because the 3-4 hours a week I spend not at the beckon call of my children but volunteering (read not paid) at the hospital is WAY more of a job than the one I do the remaining 164 hours a week as a mother/child care provider.

This is because this is the only time of the day he see me without ketchup, baby food, milk stains or possibly poop on me.

I've blogged about McDonalds a million times even my children know it. Seriously, when are they going to send me gifts instead of McMommy. (Just kidding, McMommy.)

Obviously, he doesn't know about my Anti-Supermom gig. This is totally going to ruin my reputation.


Patrice said...

Lol! That's so sweet!! How cute that he thinks you look best in the morning, I can't see someone saying that about me! Your explanation of why that is cracked me up! Too cute!! Happy belated Mother's day!

Aryn said...

You must save this sheet forever! It's so cute!
P.S. It's all working great now!

A Crafty Mom said...

Adorable - how awesome is "she is good at everything"????? Love it!! At least you got that you worked somewhere . . . when asked my 5 y/o says "oh her, she doesn't work or do anything". Uh, yeah. That food just magically appears on the dinner table :)

If we ever meet in real life one day, I'm so up for a nap and a big Mac :)

Miss Lisa said...

Those little quizes are so sweet! But you can tell with those answers, you're an awesome mommy :)
(I fear my kids will write something like 'mommy drinks wine' for most the answers!)

amanda said...

i love my naps - had one today as a matter of fact. i tried to fight it - no luck.

and i assume you are saving this forever :)

MaricrisG said...

This just tells me that McDee should really get you as their official spokesperson! I think you're 5 year old know you better than you think :)

Anonymous said...

After my April Fools gig, it hit me like a Mack many of the stories I read could be complete bullshit?! A lot I suppose. Then I got all nervous like people would think because I was such a skilled liar (which I will admit I am) that I lied about everything on my blog. Which is not the case. It's the exact opposite. I can go for a week without posting because I can't stand the thought of forcing something that isn't real.
Anyway, I love you because we have that toddler connection. And too many times I have read your blog pages and just sat here going "Thank you God that someone else is just. like. me."
You post real things about the boys, real pictures, and it is you. And that is why I love you!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'm digging the honesty thing...but it's a little reality check that there are a lot of people that tell a lot of "stories."

You must save that paper forever! It's precious.

Rebecca said...

I love that you look the best in the morning. I don't think he thinks that because you have food and poop on you by the end of the day. I think he thinks that because he loves waking up to a wonderful mom like you.

Shawn said...

Cutie answers! I am visiting over from SITS----great blog and such a cute boy---definitely frame this one, as he will change his mind about so much by the time he is a teen! heh, heh.

monica said...

That is just too precious! Stopping in from SITS to say Hi!

Tyne said...

I love that post! Sorry I haven't been by in weeks, hope all is well with your busy household!


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