Saturday, May 9, 2009

fistful of flowers

We were holding hands as we left the doors of Henry's preschool (I take full opportunity to hold his hand when he lets me because I know someday he will be too big, too old, too cool, too something to hold my hand). Henry lets go of my hand and runs into the grass to pull flowers before climbing into the van. What mother doesn't know the feeling that a fistful of dandelions will do to a heart?

As we pull into the garage, Wyatt starts kicking in his car seat, screaming "Be done, Be done!". Wyatt proceeds, with an obvious agenda on his mind, to climb out of the car as quickly as his two-year-old legs will allow him, run to the front lawn and pull his own bouquet of yellow flowers .

I tell Henry that I have the perfect little vase to put their flowers in. Henry fill the glass vase with water from the bathroom sink and shoves his little yellow treasures into the glass. I tell Wyatt to add his.

I should have know better.

This brings on a full screaming tantrum of needing "Wu-Wu's water!". "Mine, Mine!".

My solution is to go into the cupboard, hand him a little, red, plastic sippy cup to put his flowers into. He proceeds to ask politely scream at me to add water. I do so and he happily walks away, two hands on his cup full of flowers, proud to be like his older brother.

A few minutes later, Henry runs up to me. "Wu is drinking the water from the flowers!" being the lazy wise mother that I am, I tell Henry that I'm sure he'll only drink a little bit.

Satisfied, Henry walks away from the kitchen. Wyatt walks in. He has his dandelions smashed into the bottom of the cup and I should have known better, the water, completely gone. He had drank all of his 'dandelion juice'.

I take away his cup with dandelion remains of yellow petals and milky stems, that motherly feeling of a fistful of flowers doesn't quite settle into my heart, but more into the bottom of my stomach.

To his credit, his 'vase' was a little, red, plastic sippy cup. He's no idiot, he knows what a sippy cup is really used for, but me, I completely should have known better.

My giveaway for got milk? stuff is going on until Monday.


Anonymous said...

My son once eat a couple of flowers during a walk if it makes you feel better (he grabbed them without me noticing).

I love holding little hands too - best thing in the world.

Rebecca said...

Did he say how the juice tasted? Maybe he discovered a use for dandelions!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Let's hope the flowers weren't coated in pesticides!

Lana said...

Those will be wonderful memories to reflect on, let's say on graduation day or even wedding rehersals. I love those memories, I'm saving up!

Too funny! I hope you have a blessed day!

Aryn said...

No worries! Dandelions are completely edible and even GOOD for you!

Mocha Dad said...

Flowers always make a great snack. Besides, they're organic.

Jenny Penny said...

Smart little bugger. My little guy has been trying to eat our dandelions for a few weeks, but he's only 9 months old. My mom said, "Dandelions are edible!" and then he darn near choked on one.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, the flowers are too sweet!

And, too funny that he drank all of the "juice."

amanda said...

it really is amazing how they surprise us with their knowledge isnt' it? of course it's totally logical to drink out of the sippy cup.

sometimes i swear beans makes me feel like a total idiot daily!

happy belated mamas day friend :)


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