Monday, September 8, 2008

stiletto stampede

They are friends of friends, who I only see about once a year (which for some reason still puts them on our Christmas card list, making said list 87 people long. Insanity, do 'normal' people do this?). So naturally, the conversation centered around our Christmas cards (which people, are you ready to start planning yours, because I just got my first postcard reminder and we do only have 107 days until Christmas). I congratulated her on her first marathon or half marathon, I couldn't remember quite from what I read from her Christmas card. Turns out it was 'just' 10 miles (her words, not mine. I'm pretty sure I would pass out by mile marker 3 if I attempted this 'only 10 mile' run).

This did make me want to pursue something wonderful that I could put on this year's Christmas card. I found the perfect thing, the stiletto stampede. Last week 265 women and one very self-confident man raced 80 meters wearing stilettos (which for those that want the math, only about 263 feet, but again if it's going on the Christmas card 80 meters sounds way more impressive.)

Then I found out what would probably disqualify me immediately, the mandated 3" heel (my feet use to flip-flop wearing would protest immediately).

Then I also realized there were injuries (as much as I love having my children poke at my open wounds it's not something I regularly choose to do).

So this year's Christmas card (which if it's anything like last year, will not be started on until 3 weeks before Christmas) will once again not say anything about training workouts or marathon competitions but simply:

Merry Christmas

from the anti-supermom family


(See the genius and thought that goes into my cards~)


Marketing Mama said...

Oh you crack me up, as usual. Can't picture you in stilettos, anyways.

I stay far, far away from the brag christmas letters - I know some people love them, but not me. My favorite is the picture cards - A few years I've had them done by Halloween. That was before I had kids. Ha.

amanda said...

please tell me you are kidding? 107 days?? oh for the love of peter pan!!

as for the insanity that is the christmas card list...i suffer from the same problem. so sad.

me. not you :)

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

87 people on your Christmas Card list? You and me both, baby! Peace and cheer needs to be spread to as many as possible. I love connecting with friends and family at this time of the year. The process usually gets me a bit cranky, but I am always happy when they are out the door. My goal this year? The day or two before Thanksgiving. We'll see what happens.

And one more thing... I love the stiletto idea. Very unique and catchy! :)

Kristen said...

I would much prefer your card. I HATE the cards that go on and on about "What we did this year".


great post!

Laural Out Loud said...

87? I was stressing over my 40. I cap my limit at the number of cards that come in a box.

Rachel said...

I got a Christmas letter last year in which the highlight was "Mom went to Perkins and had a Diet Coke." I'm sorry, but if that's your year's highlight, then send the photo card! Now, if you were in a stiletto race, that would be a different story.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Stiletto racing? Seriously? We cut our list down last year to 50!! Yikes, by the time you print it and everything, it's almost $100!!

Rebecca said...

My highlight of the year that will be in our Christmas 2008 card: We actually go the house clean once this year!

Now all we have to do is actually clean the house.

Maybe I should send a photo of our clean house rather than our kids... Hmmm..

Anyway, I'm with ya on the simple cards. No highlights on triathalons. Just a photo of the kids.

Eve Grey said...

omg woman, do not even mention Christmas right now!

Miss Lisa said...

Shhhh....don't tell MY friends but, when I get those 'brag' Christmas letters, the hubby and I read them in a very saracastic uppity voice--then giggle all night ;)
(we all dress up in matching striped PJs, every single year--and I bet MY friends laugh at us everytime ;) )

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Yeah, This is move number...hmmm let me count...5, yeah 5 since we've been married. and you pick up a lot of folks for a christmas card list. And this year, do you think digital online cards will work for all my bloggy friends, cuz...NO WAY am I getting that many snail mail cards out!

And NO to the stiletto race thing. Oh my no.

Melissa said...

I need to actually have a christmas card list. We are horrible about that.

BookMamma said...

I'm with you on the card list... and now its gotten even more complicated because I have different card batches for different sets of people - The Friends that Don't Care About My Kids Batch, the Family that Does Want the Family Photos Card Batch, the Work Batch, the Aquaintance Batch... it's totally out of hand.

Maybe be should our foot down this year and say "NO MORE!" What do you say? I will if YOU will... :)

Aracely said...

I haven't known 87 people in my whole 32 years of existence!.... Can I get a card... come on what's one more. ;)


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