Monday, September 22, 2008


Dear Frito-Lays,

I am writing a letter to request that you expand your yummy puffs to something other than 1) a small choking-hazard ball or 2) a cigarette shape. You see, we were enjoying a little snack out on our porch, my son, Henry starts munching on Cheetos. He sat there for a little bit, Cheetos between his mouth, looked up at his Dad and proclaimed "I'm smoking a smokerette".

Proud that he doesn't know that the real name is not 'smokerette' but cigarette. Though it's really is a pretty cute word coming out of a four-year-old's mouth. Horrified that he's sitting on our porch, Cheetos between his lips, smoking a 'smokerette'.

I know that Chester the Cheetah is a cool cat, but fairly certain smoking isn't considered 'cool' anymore. If you do feel so inclined, I believe there is a strong Mommy-blogger market out there that would highly support this new endeavor. (Might I suggest a funny bone shape, they seem to be a hit on our household.)


They grow up so quickly, don't they?


amanda said...


tee hee - sooo funny :)

and the picture - totally a keeper!!

he is just too cute honey!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I used to do the same thing with pretzels. To this day I have never smoked a real "smokerette". :)

Marla said...

i love the words that kids come up with...

Unknown said...

Okay, so that's a little cute :)

Who am I kidding...that is really cute!

And the picture to sum it all up?

Rachel said...

At least they don't make candy cigarettes anymore! Or candy "smokerettes," I guess.

Rebecca said...

That picture is adorable, even if he is smoking a smokerette.

Eve Grey said...

One of my boys calls them "snigarettes" said in a very disgusted tone. I love it!

Laural Out Loud said...

My daughter did this recently- we had a really long talk about how awful cigaretters are and now she goes up to people she sees smoking and tells them they're going to die. So that backfired a wee bit.

Kristen said...

That is so so funny!

And you are right, could they possibly come up with a different shape??

Cute pic of your little man too! :)

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

That's when you wish you had had the video camera out. How funny!

Aracely said...

Goodness me, first the baby crack, and now a smoker! Do I have to send someone down there to straiten things out? ;)

- That picture is too funny. Beautiful boy.

Marketing Mama said...

do you wonder where he ever saw someone smoking? I don't know if Alex would even know what that is?!


Miss Lisa said...

Oh that's cute--and much tastier than the icky real thing ;)

Anonymous said...


really, really gorgeous.

Vashey Fam said...

Ha Ha! I made fake cigarettes in little paper boxes and sold them to other kids in 5th grade. My teacher was horrified! Can't really blame her. :o) I have never actually smoked even 1 cig my whole life.....Your son is just being creative in a non-traditional, non-PC type way.

A Crafty Mom said...

Oh no!!! LoL! My four year old asked me last month what a cigarette was - he saw a bunch on the ground and didn't know what they were. A week or so later he saw a man smoking and asked me what he was doing - I'm thrilled he went this long without knowing what it is, but I figured he would know soon enough.

But a cheesie??? That's unique!!


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