Dear IKEA,
Like I couldn't love you more already...
You and your free kid meals, where everyone is sitting semi-quietly hovering over plates of mac-n-cheese, chicken strips, juice boxes... happy with their selections. All of us fully aware that downstairs is awaiting, with $1 ice cream cones and cinnamon rolls.
That you have a ball pit and a movie running the entire time in the kid area (my kids are virtually hugging you right now). That I can drop them off there and they actually want to go in; measured, stickered and monitored like cattle.
That I can go into tiny little 300 square foot homes and just imagine for a minute or two that this is my life, all organized and clean, that everything has a place, and that my only child is playing somewhere in the bed that you've cleverly disguised as a tunnel.
Thank you!
And now, to top yourself, you go and put kid-sized reflective vests in your stores. (Though the packaging saying 'this in not a costume' throws off our rule obeying Henry so much so that he is brainstorming ideas on places he can 'legally' wear his vest; i.e. 'biking, hiking, working out in the garage' his words, not mine... and I swear if you make him all nerdy over this vest thing, I recant this entire letter...
moving on).
Again, the vests, pure bliss!
My husband and I sat around a table, near a window overlooking the Mall of America skyline, our table filled with the bounty of what only $10 at IKEA can do. My husband looks over at me, smiles and says "too bad this place isn't closer, wouldn't you come here all the time?"
I look at him all crazy like and exclaim "this place is only 20 minutes!!!"
Apparently, free dinner, ball pits and tiny quiet rooms are not worth a 20 minute drive to him.
I guarantee, it's well worth my drive.
Don't forgot to enter my 77kids $50 gift card giveaway here
I haven't been to Ikea in ages...we have two within about 90 minutes drive of us.
We don't have an IKEA here, it's been years since I've been to one. My daughter made the two hour drive about a year ago and bought an awesome new dresser.
If IKEA had been there when my kids were little, we would have totally been there at least once a week.
I laughed the whole way through this. I think my favorite part is the "Mall of America skyline". Only Paris compares.
Your security word was "mormsest". I'm pretty sure mormsest is illegal in all 50 states.
Hahahahahaha! I too laughed the whole way through, loving the Mall of America Skyline, and then: D's comment about your security word! Seriously, they are funny words, all. the. time.
Loved this post. I miss my days with IKEA. I have to drive 20 minutes plus 2 hours. Le sigh.
P.S. fitoraud. What?
IKEA is where dreams come true...that is my best friend's mantra when it comes to IKEA.
HA! I love me some IKEA! Ours in about 20 minutes away, but we make a day of it. My kids love the play area and the ice cream too. Ever break off pieces of your cinnamon roll and use it like a spoon to eat your ice cream? HEAVEN!
Ok, you're officially my hero. I love me some Ikea. And I LOVE your idea of an anti-supermom... I'm right there with ya sister!
Well, let's just say that working dads don't often realize the lengths one will go to in order to get a little peace and quiet. Also, I am super-jealous that you've an IKEA that close to you. We are in the middle of three and they're all. 8 hours away.
I've never been to an IKEA. I feel so ripped off. I heard they purposely put them quite far apart because they want people to make it an event to go there!
Free kids meals? I didn't know about that. I love IKEA even more now.
Need to find an IKEA, sounds like heaven and heck ya worth 20 minutes!
Ikea is our happy place. We drive 45 minutes to get to one and Dumb Dad is right there in the car cheesing because he gets to eat the meatballs. He'll do anything for quiet time to eat his meat in peace:)
ok change of plans. girls birthday party at ikea.
i want an ikea. bad.
our closest one?
only eight hours away.
Oh man...we need to be going to IKEA now! That sounds like bliss!!! Free daycare? Ahem...child free shopping? Totally worth a 20 min...shoo a 1hr drive in fact
Kids meals are free???
I love the picture! They are serious about those vests.
One of my daughters is obsessed with those tiny rooms. She's 13 but she has to open every single cupboard and look at the goodies inside. It's like watching a little kid in a playhouse. I think I know what her first apartment is going to look like...
I think I should say, it's not always free... just about once a month or so. Labor Day weekend is the next 'kids eat free' days.
Maybe I'll see you there ;)
But you are like one mile from Ax Man, right?
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