Wednesday, August 3, 2011

stink eye for the pink eye

I'm one of those mother's that will give you the stink eye if your child comes over to mine, gets all close into their faces, and it looks like there is goop coming out of the eyes of your child. It might not be pink eye, or it might be, or maybe your kid is on an antibiotic... I don't know and if you don't come over and tell me, I'm going to go with the worst case scenario.

I'm just a worst case scenario kind of a gal.

So, we were at the National Night Out block party last night (note, not our block's, because ours is lame, but the next block over, who was kind enough to throw an invitation to theirs in our mailbox, the downside of that being they are all basically strangers to us) And you know, it's hard making small talk with strangers, even harder to bring up in casual conversation that your daughter doesn't have any communicable diseases that they would have to worry about.

Conversations went something like this:

"Wow, that's wonderful that you are going to college on the weekend, kudos to you! You know what else is wonderful, that Edy doesn't have chicken pox or something else that you might worry about infecting your children with!"


"The cookies over there are to die for!! You know what you aren't going to die from, Edy... no, her body's just 73% covered with bug bites, that's it!"


"Well, of course I'd love a beer, thanks for sharing! You know who will not be sharing any skin rashes with you or your children? Edy! It's just mosquitoes, they love her."

So, now that I've thoroughly explained myself, you can all stop giving me the stink eye.

(Minus me forgetting to put bug spray on her in the first place).

Apparently, it's true, Minnesota's state bird is the mosquito.


Emmy said...

Awe poor little thing. She still looks so happy and Cute though! And yes I too would feel like I had to explain it to everyyone

The Slacker Mom said...

I was in explaing mode last night too. Except I was trying to explain why my kids weren't playing with the other kids or doing anything other than running down the street screaming their little hearts out and making their normal frustrated/ OMG IT'S BEDTIME noises (seriously Mom why am I not in my bed!) while complete stranger stared at us in disgust.

Every interaction went like this: Oh, they are 2, it's bedtime for them...and they have autism. Yeah, we really like the neighborhood. We didn't buy the house, we rent. Oh it's going just great for us, thanks for asking...(was this house a meth lab before? A murder den? A brothel?) And with that, I'd go chasing down a runner, sweating as they stood in their circles.

After about 20 minutes we packed it in as everyone gave us the look. You know, us, the new ones on the block...I wanted to DIE.

I'm glad we tried to go as a family, even though it was a total crap-shoot, but Gah! It was horrible.

*I have no idea why that whole thing has me so worked up, but just thinking about it has me in tears.

Unknown said...

I think this EVERY time Maddie is covered and scabbed over and swollen from mosquitoes. I'm a stink eye mom, too--and feel like hey-there's nothing contagious going on over me, I am not one of those moms :)

I hope she feels better...bug bites are miserable!

ps-she's so adorable!!

amanda said...

i am not joking when i tell you that the second thing lilly told joe tonight about when he walked through the door was this sweet picture...she was heartbroken. it's so sad daddy - i hope it doesn't hurt!!

edible e :) even covered in bites!

Murdock's mama said...

Oh my heavens...poor girl! They have been just terrible in IA this year too! :(

Mnmom said...

This will make you feel better. The WEEK before we moved to MN from Iowa City, my twins cut each other's hair off. I mean OFF. Right down to their scalps.

Then upon arrival one of the twins get a mosquito bite right between her eyebrows that grows to the size of 1/2 a golf ball. Then the fluid that collected in the bite starts to sag down BETWEEN her eyes.

And this is the first impression we made on everyone in our new town. Thankfully they loved us anyway.

saucersrus said...

Aw come on Mom. She can't help it so soooooooo SWEET!!! We take liquid benedrylon a Qtip and apply to the bites to dry them up FAST!! Hope she's feeling better soon.

Mandy said...

Poor baby!! At least you know she's sweet! :)

darcie said...

oh my WORD! I TOTALLY thought she had the pox & I couldn't read this post fast enough to find out she DIDN'T!
YAY for bug bites? I think???
My guy's LEGS look like this...

Damn MN weather...and bugs!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Poor thing. That happens to our girls, too. They get eaten alive and then the welts get hugely ginormous! And, they never bite daddy. Ever.

Aryn said...

This made me laugh. Poor, sweet Edy. Everyone's right. She's still cute. Even if she does look like she's got chicken pox!

Mrs. M said...

Oh no - she's a mosquito magnet!

Marketing Mama said...

A - she's freakin adorable.
B - I totally thought the pox when I first saw this pic.

bummer about that... but sounds like you handled it well. :)

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Damn mosquitoes! I hate those fuckers!


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