Tuesday, March 3, 2009

owning it

I was introduced to a great list of tips on how to blog. Read it, really, it's that good. It's good enough that I'm writing a post about it months after first reading it, testament that it has struck a cord with me.

The one point that goes through my mind fairly often:

26. Don't be afraid to come across as an asswipe. own your asswipeness.

Own it.

I sent out an email asking if Henry's application was received. (I was sneaky and sent it the day the lottery was being held, but really I was just freaking out because they hadn't cashed my check, meaning they didn't have his application, meaning he wouldn't be in the lottery and his entire academic career would be ruined, okay, maybe not the last part). His application was for a public school Chinese Immersion program, where his chances of getting in were a little less than 50%. It's still a small program, so my email went directly to the principal. I titled the email

"Chinese Immersion application recieved?"

That's right, I sent the email off misspelling received. How could I have forgotten 'I before E except after C'. Duh.

She replied politely that it was there, but I was devastated. I felt like I was sitting in the principal office myself, hands in my lap, looking down at them, making excuses. "Yes, I know I'm a horrible speller. I've been in the lowest spelling group since elementary school. Please, Principal, don't black-list my son because I'm a horrible mother who can't spell".

So, there I sat rereading the email wondering what I should do, forget about the misspelling (maybe she didn't notice) and just reply with a simple thank you or own it.

Then it went through my head once again "own your asswipeness".

So, I did.

2 days later he got his acceptance letter.

So people, go forth, own your own asswipeness.

(It just might work to your benefit.)


Rebecca said...

I am always as asswipe. I'm surprised you folks still read my asswipe remarks on my blog!

amanda said...

loved that you owned it friend.

going to read the article now...

ps - congrats on the getting in :)

Anonymous said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!! I'm so excited he got in! Congrats!

Mandy said...

Yay! He got in.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

way to go Henry

A Crafty Mom said...

How exciting!!! Sounds like a fantastic opportunity for him. I make spelling errors all the time in e-mail titles and stupid places with no spell check. ANd now I can't seem to get the word "asswipe" out of my head :-)

Aracely said...

You're such an asswipe! I before C except after C is written on my forehead ;-)

Hooray for Henry's education!!!

Pat said...

yay for asswipness!

MaricrisG said...

Embrace it! I wish I could be more an AW! Then maybe all the AW loving readers would read more of my posts! LOL! Great tip!

Melanie said...

Just wanted to stop by and say Hi! I'm a fellow SITSta. :) And congrats on the acceptance!

Unknown said...

LOL I love it! Glad it all worked out!!!

Visiting from SITS!!

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

I do that all the time... kinda like today... when I accidentally im'ed my fil instead of dh asking him to "hook a mama up" lol.. .I was referring to a sponsorship..lol. but needless to say i looked incredibly stupid someone who had no idea what i was talking about,...

O yea, and they didnt know I blogged-- til that email. Whoops!!

Wisconsin Parent said...

Oh Good...I'm glad you had a moment like that today. Yesterday I registered my kids for Pop in and Play at ECFE (which is lame anyway because you just about have to give their blood types and and other minutia in the registration process). Anyway, I've been there EVERY FRICKING THURSDAY for the past three months. However, I failed to specify the names of my three children on the online registration system and the lady (Sharon, I know this, because I recognized her voice) called me to specify how I could do better next time. I'm boycotting tomorrow! I'm taking my three (unnamed) children, ages 5, 3, and 2, blood types O+ (actually, I should probably really know) and purchasing 3 bottles of cheap wine from Trader Joes. Screw you I before E. Kids don't need stimulation to make it in the real world. Oh, and congrats on the immersion school. We'll be hauling ours over to (B)ASS wood.


Lorna said...

You are welcome for the bloggy love. I'm glad you are super honored to be on my blogroll. I really like your blog and your story about being a surrogate was so touching. After my first daughter was born I was told I may not be able to have any more due to medical problems. I was devistated. There went my dreams of a big family. Luckily I was blessed with two more children before the doctor said absolutely not to get pregnant again, but if I hadn't, I would have hoped that someone like you would have been there for me. You really gave the greatest gift. For that, you deserve to be on my blogroll. Well, really you deserve much more than that, but that's all I have to give at the moment.

Lorna said...

Oh, and I love your whole anti-super mom stance. If you read some of my posts from the last few weeks, you will see that this is something I've been struggling with.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that was a good list!

And, I'm glad you owned it! Congrats for getting him in!

Rachel said...

Fortunately, the "I before E" rule won't be as important at a Chinese-immersion school. Well done, Henry!

AndreaLeigh said...

I'm a big believer in being real. Way to go... and don't stress. If she did notice, she's probably seen much worse.


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