Tuesday, March 17, 2009

my cup runneth over

I didn't really realize how unique Henry was until I spent some time in his friends' rooms, playing with their toys. They have cars, trains, trucks... and actually play with them in the fashion that those toys were designed for.

Henry's room is filled with empty egg cartons, pvc pipe, bungee cords and cups. Cups in all sorts; from those little creamer cups to empty applesauce cups, from Crystal Light mix containers to washed out pudding cups. His cup of the moment is the lid from the laundry detergent.

(Dad drew a little happy face on him and called him Sr. Top Hat before bedtime one evening.)

Henry has been taking these cups to the gym as his 'toy' to share. I try to tell him that other people won't necessarily think of his laundry cup as a fun toy, but I also don't press too much as I don't ever want to diminish this quality of his.

Anyway, he brought his cup (which the following day, he brought an empty 5 quart ice cream bucket to the gym, much to my chagrin). After I picked him and Wyatt up from childcare, we chatted along the way to the van about what people thought of the cup.

"People didn't want to play with my cup" said Henry. My heart broke a little for him.

I responded "Henry, some people don't have the imagination that you have, some people think that it's just a cup, you are so creative that you see all sorts of possibilities in your cup, to you it could be anything".

Henry sits and thinks for a bit, "I can't wait until I have friends that will have my same big heart for cups".

I smiled and replied "Some day you will have a million friends that will have your same big heart", envisioning Henry sitting in a dorm room of MIT surrounded by friends working on an engineering class final project.

Henry replies "I can't wait".

My little big-hearted boy, MIT may be in your future, but I for one, certainly can wait.


kristine said...

Awww.. That is so sweet.

Lorna said...

Where do you live? If you are anywhere near Arizona we can get our kids together. My daughter loves toilet paper rolls, empty boxes, those little three legged table things they put on top of pizzas to keep the box from sticking to the cheese, rocks (these get sharpie smiley faces too). I could take away all her store bought toys and she would be happy with items rescued out of the trash.

Kristen said...

Oh this melts my heart! I so hope you are still blogging when he is at MIT! :)

A Crafty Mom said...

Isn't that adorable? What a great little guy you've got there! My five year old is so very similar . . . I am so proud that he can make something out of nothing and then play with it. As I type this he is sleeping in his bed with an empty wrapping paper roll "sword" in his bed.

I think you better get those MIT applications ready, mom :-)

Anonymous said...

Awwww. That really is very, very sweet. I love that little boy. I can't wait for him to find a friend with his big heart for cups too.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing! Kids say the sweetest things.

amanda said...

awww heart melting over here friend.

"I can't wait until I have friends that will have my same big heart for cups".

i mean really could he be any sweeter??

Tyne said...

That is so precious! My son is the same way... he totally passes on the real toys and instead plays with wooden spoons and wire hangers (I know it's not safe) and pretends they are a bow and arrow. I love it. And doesn't it make shopping for presents easier?

Anonymous said...

Oh Henry, I can't wait for you to have friends that love cups and PVC pipe as much as you! I think there is nothing wrong with letting him play with whatever he wants. Well obviously within reason duh. I have so many toys that Nico has never even played with. He more into cause and effect right now. What does up must come down, what goes in must come out. And reading. That's fine. As long as they are happy!

Rebecca said...

I am not sure who amazes me more, Henry for his imagination and creativity or you for your mothering.

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

aww so cute. Actually brought a lil tear to my eye!

My son has a vivid imagination too that other kids sometimes just dont get.

Today he went out to play soccer with our neighbor dressed like batman lol... and during christmas he went to school with a santa hat and ORANGE "santa".. he walked in all proud of himself with his little "shy" grin... and then one little girl turned to him and said ...

"You know, you aren't really santa. Its not even Christmas."

....oooo I wanted to---- lol but he laughed it off.. and then later told me that same girl was his new girlfriend... I can see Im going to need to help steer him a bit in his girlfriend selection process. lol

saucersrus said...

I sooo needed to read this today!! At our house it's empty boxes of any kind and scraps of paper. I have the hardest with the tiny pieces of paper EVERYWHERE!! Thanks for the bigger picture I needed to see :)

Ronnica said...

So true about the MIT thing! That's cute though...why SHOULDN'T he have fun with his cups?

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd use my hollowed out uterus mold as a centerpiece on my dining room table either. My husband may not even let me me hang it up in the house - he still thinks it's going to be really weird.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

How Sweet!!! What a funny, creative kid, love it!!

Aracely said...

I love Henry stories, he's such a baby Einstein!

Wisconsin Parent said...

What's wrong with the cup? Don't you have one in your purse? I decided my kids would die on day one in Ethopia! Primarily because there would probably only be one juice box flavor there (the agony). At least Henry hasn't started calling Wyatt "bugger" like Calvin and Owen! This is what happens when opposites attract and they have children...

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I make lots of things out of lids, detergent scoops, paper towl rolls... I think it's good for them!
He sounds so cute :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Aww...that is too sweet!

Izzy plays with the most random stuff, too! I'm sure he'll find a friend that loves cups as much as he does.

Marketing Mama said...

That's totally cool. Someday he'll find friends like him. :) Great story!

Rachel said...

What a wonderful story. I'd much rather have a kid who plays with cups, MIT or not. :)

Maytina said...

OMG what a sweet story! Mine like to play with egg cartons and TP rolls, and wee found treasures.

MoodyMommy said...

My son has a few super heros that he uses to create all sorts of battles with junk around the house..It always amazes me the amount of imagination that kid has!!!

Eve Grey said...

Oh that's cute. Reminds me of my sweet William. He insisted on buying a flashlight for his frined's birthday party. The other day I let him choose a "souvenir" from the gift shop & he chose some vegetable seeds to plant in his garden. I love that kid. (:


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