Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We've already decided that we will not over schedule our children. We feel that it is really important to be a family and to actually have quality family time that is not spent on the bleacher or in the mini-van, though these do *count* to a degree of course; who doesn't like singing 'Santa Clause is coming to Town' for the seventeenth time in one car trip in February?

That being said, it's only March and I'm handing over the bucks this week to schedule Henry's summer plans. I feel like those MasterCard commercials:

-Swimming lessons $57
-Vacation Bible Study Camp $25
-Pollywogs Nature Camp $48
-Soccer/T-ball lessons $28
Henry having a summer full of memories - priceless, I think? Did I mention that it's only March and this is only what I've paid for this week? It's not much in the scheme of summer, but it hurts my checkbook like it is. He's four years old though, it's simply awesome to see him trying something new, discovering what he likes. How else will he be able to pick out that one thing to participate in when he starts school? :)

Everyday I get to watch Wyatt discover something new too; from a new food rolling around his tongue, to the pleasure on his face when he is able to pull himself up on anything that will hold his chubby legs, to the new noises that he can make (which included screaming at the top of his lungs). Today he is 11 months old. Today he is one month away from being a toddler, how this makes me heart ache, with joy and with sadness. I love my little WooWoo.


Marketing Mama said...

Sweet pictures - what a little honey! :) I worry about the over-scheduling thing, too. So I've been extreme in not signing up my son for anything! Then I feel guilty that I'm depriving him. We still do things like swimming, etc., just not classes. I think I'll have to break down and schedule him for something this summer. I know he'll love it.

Melissa said...

my husband and i are going to have a rule like that too. Each kid can have one thing going on at a time. A sport, musical insprument and such. Cause if we have 4 kids how are we supopse to get family dinner, homework, chores, AND sports/lessons/practise done before they go to bed. Too much.

OHmommy said...

I hear you on that one.

Our vac bible school is free. So, that does not count. Right? :)


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