Monday, March 10, 2008

I have a secret

I have a secret. I purchased a girdle, umm body-shaper for my brother's wedding next month. This isn't because I'm overweight, I'm only 2-3lbs. over my ideal weight (which I'm continually working on), but because of the before mentioned 'muffin top'. I came home with my purchase and did not mention this tidbit to my husband, but as he often does, he wants to know what in the bag. He peeks and looks at me "I see you bought a girdle".

Now, what I want to say is that we women should not be ashamed of owning a girdle, body-shaper, whatever people want to call it. The truth is, I love it! It really does hold my tummy in and I won't have to spend the entire night holding my breath in or sucking in my gut.

Today's body-shaper are in fact somewhat sexy thanks in part to companies like Spanx, who made body-shapers popular again. Women's bodies go through a lot to have babies, then take care of babies with breastfeeding. I think women need to be reminded that our bodies will not go back into place right away, if ever (for shame). Husband's need to be reminded of this too, if I feel more sexy with my girdle on, then so be it. I may not have a Supermom cape, but I do have my Hot Mama girdle!


Melissa said...

ha ha I love it! Shh...I have a secret too. I have one already :) I love them. Even when I was in the best shape of my life and really skinny they are still wonderful! They just make everything look...tighter :) Now I use mine more out of nessecity, then just for a little boost. :)

Marketing Mama said...

Beth - I'm so happy to see you in blog-land! I was like "Is that really *the* Beth that I know from MN Ladies?!" - I haven't seen you in so long online I'm glad you found my blog and I'm happy to see you have one, too! :)

Thanks for your votes of confidence in your comments today - that was very nice. Take care - I look forward to reading your blog! :)


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