Tuesday, January 5, 2010

orange with envy

I'm at your beck and call come breakfast; "I need milk, I want orange juice, I need a spoon"... a little bit of silence as you start to eat... then screams "I spilled on my shirt, I need a napkin, I need a new shirt!".

Then my morning is wrapped up in playing with you and the others: building block towers until you get bored and knock them down, sculpting with play-doh until you start throwing it at the wall, feeding you Goldfish until you smash them between the crevices of the kitchen table.

My day is centered around you and what you want; to play, to eat, to read. Happiness for a toddler is a day all about you, of course. But you know what makes you really happy? Your orange socks. You giggle as I put them on, you talk about them to your friends, you show them off to anyone who may listen.

Orange socks may be number one on your list, but I'm sure I'm a close second or third.


Wisconsin Parent said...

We have a pair like that. Or, wait, where did you get those? :-) I was thinking about that...basically, I am a glorified waitress (with chin hair) from 7AM until 7PM. But, yesterday it was kind of fun to make Owen toast with strawberry jam and discover a new feature on Play Doh with Marie. Maybe it's the lack of fresh air or open windows or monotony...I'm really looking forward to some adults this weekend!

kristine said...

Very cute!

amanda said...

i am sure you are a very close second or third :)

Emmy said...

Very what things they love. And you know I bet you are even high than those socks :)

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

you know you are first. the orange socks are a temporary diversion and on to the next obsession.

lol. loved it girly.

made my am. i was twittering this am and wished you were on. onelining and doing #haiku vote 4 me... they have this contest 4 the twitter now, and I nom'd myself for the #haiku under #motherhood

hugs hun. have a great great day!

justme said...

yes that is the morning, gimme, get me, i want, then i spilt, i wind up never evening sitting to eat bfast.

Working Mommy said...

Nothing like a great pair of orange socks to start the day off right!


Debbie said...

And now I wonder if I'm even in the top 100 with my teens!

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

Kids have the life don't they?? ...

I need to get me a pair of orange socks, I think lol

Unknown said...

Adorable. Truly adorable.

LutherLiz said...

if not, I'm certain you are in the top ten :) J/K

Ali said...

I'm second to Goldfish crackers:)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Ours are purple socks, here.

And, Isabelle is just as demanding!

Lee said...

That is so sweet!! Love that post. Beck and call girl.

Caffeine Court said...

What cute little feet!!

RuensOnTheRun said...

Maybe this is the answer to Jax's crankiness....I need to go buy him some orange socks!

Shandal said...

I have an award for you, come get it!

Unknown said...

Sounds a lot like our house. Only we are obsessed with several pairs of socks and can't seem to settle on just one. oy.

darcie said...

ah, the simple things in life!

OHmommy said...

Gosh. That sounds like my house everyday.

Lifeofkaylen said...

I have red and black striped knee-high socks and they are the best ever!!

Allison said...

Cute post...the other day, my little guy tells me that I'm number 3 on the list. I have no idea what number 1 or 2 is but he says number 3 is the best number so I tend to believe him but I think he's holding back the truth! :)

Amanda {My Life Badly Written} said...

Oh they are devine - how cute that he loves his Orange socks so much!!! But I imagine that you really are #1!

Rebecca said...

Oh, isn't that how it goes? At night, when I just want a few moments of peace on the couch, the demands are still coming. "Honey, I just need to sit for a few minutes by myself. I'll take care of helping you fold your sleeping bag tomorrow." "But MOM - I HAVE to fold it up! You can't just SIT there like that!"

Yes, SO lazy.

Carma Sez said...

My son still loves orange. So now we only order orange juggling props :-) and he just turned 14

Sweet kids you have.

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Happiness for a toddler is a day all about you.


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