Wednesday, April 8, 2009

too old

I decided to run a 5K next weekend because physically, I can do it and because I decided I'm not too old to try something outside of my it's-just-what-I-do-box. Funny enough, I can count on my hands the number of times that I've actually ran, running is just not my thing. I have horrible memories of my high school physical education. My PE teacher use to call me Buns (which I come from a very small school with very few feminists). 'Buns, hurry up and get over here.' 'Buns, could you please put forth a little effort?' I never put forth any effort. I hated PE.

My most vivid memory of PE was the President's Physical Fitness tests (remember these?). We were running the mile around the track. Starting our fourth and final lap, at the lighting speed of 30 minutes a mile, my asthmatic best friend in front of me by a few paces and in the lane to my left, decided she needed to spit.

She must not have taken into consideration the wind patterns for the day or how that breeze was totally affecting our speeds. We both watched in slow motion as her snot flip flopped, top to bottom, in the air to land directly onto my jogging shorts.

Good times.

So why again am I running a 5K? Because when I turned thirty, it wasn't a big deal to me. I didn't feel old. I didn't wish I was back in college doing a beer bong or back in high school (doing the same). The only thing I started to feel about being thirty-something was:

When did I become too old?

When did I become too old to wear skirts and leggings, together? When did I become too old to get my nose pierced? When did I become too old to add subtle streaks of pink or purple in my hair? It's not necessarily that I want to do these things (though I am secretly jealous that some people can get away with doing these and it look fabulous on them), but when did my age become the first reason for not doing something?

So, I decided that it's snot not.


Housewife Savant said...

I'm TOO OLD for those things?
Now I want 'em all.

I hope you Run Like the Wind this weekend!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Good for you!!!

Gah - the Presidential Fitness test scared me to death!

Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning!

Patrice said...

Good for you!! I hated states stupid fitness tests! I despise running! lol Good luck with your 5K! I hope you avoid spit this time!

Carol said...

Your experience of PE sounds much like my own.

I'll settle for having another baby rather than taking on a 5k. Good for you though.

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Good for you!

Ok. Here's the thing. Anyone, I mean ANYone over 3 is too old for the skirt and leggings thing. I don't know how, but I"d like to kick Lindsay Lohan's backside into wherever for bringing leggins back.

The pink hair, not so much. You could absolutely pull that off! ;)

Well done on the run.:)

A Crafty Mom said...

Nice!!! You go run girl! I would guess that I am older than you (*ahem* I am that mid-thirty number now) and I am running a 10K at the end of May. Maybe. If I don't die first. I've barely run 2K lately so I've got a long way to go . . . and I might be "too old" ;).

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

definitely not too old. :-)

my mom ran her first marathon at 51 years can do it! ;-)

Susan said...

You brought back many bad memories with those tortures, I mean tests from high school.

I will be cheering you on while I am eating bon bons. Sorry, I am too old to run a 5K or is that too lazy!

Wisconsin Parent said...

dude...i used to run XC in college. i can't do it. seriously, join me at pilates instead. it's later in the morning and down the road from breakfast burritos!

Oh, are you coming to tequila fest 09 later that evening?

Laural Out Loud said...

Just the other day I realized I'd better get those pink streaks before it's too late.

I love that you're running, because you can. Kick some running butt!

Aryn said...

I'm impressed, B! Make sure to stretch in the days prior and you'll be great!

Anonymous said...

I want to run a marathon! I need to get in shape first and lose this effing baby weight. Have fun!

Alex the Girl said...

I'm not too old, just too freakin lazy...same thing goes for the blue hair I want. Tooooo lazy.

kristine said...

Way to go!

The Rambler said...

Totally thinking that this week. When the hell did this happen?

Fo' real!

Is it wrong when my 19 year old hostess told me that 'lady' over yonder was kinda old for something (late 20's) and I (going on mid 30's)said I'd punch her face she ever call someone that age old again?

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

Great post!!! I was just thinking about the age thing myself and I too loathed PE!

I had "feminine issues" bi- monthly as far as my PE teacher knew ... And the other 2 weeks of the month ?? Whoopps! Forgot my uniform LOL

I was also just talking about the PE tests!! Hated them!
Hanging from the chin up bar--- lasting 2.5 seconds
Or remember the stretch test where u had to sit down , legs extended &push the little button on the box as far as
possible ??

Good luck with the run!!! Good for you!!

O and ps I'm sad ab being "too old" at 28 for the skirt/legging thing too LOL

Jen said...

I remember the President physical fitness part of PE. HATED it. Even now I am cringing about it. When I turned forty I got my first tattoo. I got two more the next year and I pierced the cartilage on my ear. I did that because a freind's daughter was nervous about getting her ears pierced so I wanted to be supportive. As for the tatts I finally felt old enough to get them. Good luck on the run.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that spit thing is gross!

Good luck! And, I'm sure you could outrun me anyday!

I never even made the 9-minute mile!

Rebecca said...

I didn't like those Presidential challenge things, either. The mile was torment, and the stretching test was worse.

I know what you mean about encountering that time in your life when you don't do something because you're too old. I've found myself in those situations lately, too. It's weird.


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