Saturday, March 28, 2009

awesome moments in parenting - #251

Henry has learned two great little phrases just this week: "I'm pissed off" and "This is the shit".

We've gotten into a habit of watching Survivor with Henry and it use to be, with the exception of the occasional blurred butt, it was a show we could watch with Henry. Afterall, what five year old boy doesn't love watching people make spoons out of sticks and eat fish live from a stream? He generally goes nuts for the challenges and drools over the ideas that the mazes, the puzzles and being blindfolded puts into his little imagination. But there you have it; his ears perked up, his eyes bulged a little upon hearing "I'm pissed off" and immediately turned to my husband to asked what it meant.


The second was a snowboarding/skiing YouTube video. (Yes, I'm starting a petition here and now that videos on YouTube should be subjected to the same movie ratings that actual cinema movies are... who am I kidding, that would involve quite some parenting initiation... ) Right at the end of the video the guy gives a nice little "This is the shit".

Sweet, little, still-innocent Henry, I dare you to speak either of these phrases in public. If by chance you do, you bet I will Ralphie's Mom your butt be wiping your tongue down with a little Dove and when people ask where you may have learned such a colorful phrase, Daddy and I are just going to look at eachother and play dumb

or blame your potty-mouthed Grandma.

(Just teasing, Mom)


Mandy said...

LOL! As you know, we've had a few choice phrases muttered around these parts. :)

Miss Lisa said...

Oh LOL!!! Our big one here is 'stupid' and 'nerd'--my oldest makes fun of people on tv with those words. There was a guy on Survivor with a southern accent who lost his tooth and she called him a 'hill billy'--we reminded her she has a Texas accent and a New Yorker would call HER that. She stopped ;)

Rebecca said...

Oh, man, this post is the shit!

amanda said...

how bout blaming me, his potty mouthed long distance mama's bloggy friend :)

a stretch huh??

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAAA I have got such a trash mouth that I am going to have to be very careful around my kiddo. I didn't think about the TV though - some shows seem innocent but the occassional bad word phrase that a kid shouldn't say will slip in there. I guess I'll have to keep that in mind once she becomes more aware of her surroundings.

AndreaLeigh said...

oh dear! i hope he forgets about those soon. haha.

Aracely said...

Yes, definitely blame the grandma! That's what I always do.

Dana Tate said...

OH NO!!! I know we have to be so concious of that with my daughter. Watching what seems like a family friendly show can be soooo dangerous these days.

The Rambler said...

Is it wrong that I chuckled and then nodded. Because shit is also part of my 2 year old's vocab? (Daddy's in serious trouble)

Thanks so much for visiting me on my SITS day.

xoxo-The Rambler @ My Rambling Thoughts.

Don Mills Diva said...

My son said his first swear word in Dutch and I was quite correct in blaming his potty mouth Oma!

kristine said...

LOL!! Graycen overheard me say "god damnit" one day and used to repeat it all the time. She would say it when she was happy "oh god damnit" or when she was upset that parker knocked over her tower "oh, godddd damniiiiiit" it was hilarious but we ignored it and it went away, thankfully!

Ronnica said...

Oh, those are some great phrases for a 5yo! I work with kindergarteners at church, and I can always tell which kids have older siblings by the things that come out of their mouths...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

My sister said "bitch" in front of Izzy...which she immediately repeated. My sister responded "no silly, we aren't going to the beach!"

So, I will be blaming all cussing on Aunt Emily instead of grandma.

RamblingMother said...

Oh yes they do pick up the most appropriate phrases don't they? LOL! Stopping by from SITS.

Jenny Penny said...

Found a link to your blog on Housewife Savant's blog. Lovin' it. By the way, I agree about the ratings system for YouTube. You should see what happens when you let a kid watch old Smurf episodes on there. Sadly, I have done that. You think you're safe and then, bam, there's a Smurf episode dubbed over with porn talk. The things they do to Smurfette. Egad.

Michelle said...


I do so love survivor though. Join me on fridays as we dish!!!


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