Thursday, February 26, 2009

trading in my van

We were in the minivan heading to story time when a limo pulled out in front of me. My first thought of course was, 'Hey, what is Prince (or the 'Artist formerly known as Prince', I can't keep up) doing in my neighborhood?' Since we live in Minneapolis, the only star that lives here is Prince. Anyhow, I dismissed this after realizing that the limo was not purple and it was only 9am, Prince was more than likely still in some fluffy, over-sized California king bed sleeping off a hangover.

So then, I started thinking maybe this was just some ordinary mom, taking her children to a story time-like event, I mean, why not? A limo actually seems like a fairly practical choice for me. It probably gets gas mileage about that of a Suburban or something, I could nicely fit my four car seats in (with leg room) and potentially another two car seats (bring on the extra income!).

(I don't own photoshop, this is the best I could do. Give me a break.)

Then there are the added benefits of all the entertainment within a limo; a television, a sippy cup bar, sparkly lights, a 'fireman's' pole and for the chauffeur (me), the privacy screen; one peep from the kids and I'm totally pushing the up screen button.

Plus, imagine the looks when I'm sitting in the 'U' waiting for Henry after preschool. Heads would turn just like mine did, when I saw Prince's limo.

(Not that I don't love a little attention.)

I'm so trading in my van.


Mandy said...

LOL! I love it.

Miss Lisa said...

Sounds like a plan..esp, the privacy screen. I'd love one of those!

Anonymous said...

You are so silly. Wanna write something for us about Blogher?
P.S. Are you feeling the comment love? I'm being a very good sister, a little notice, please...

amanda said...

i think you are onto something...

especially the firemans pole :)

Kristen said...

That SO sounds like the way to go!!

And yes, I TOTALLY need one of those UP buttons! Suppose they sell those for Toyota's??

Susie said...

That is so funny!! I love this post!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I hope to see you back there soon:-)

A Crafty Mom said...

LOL, I was thinking about one of those "fireman's poles" for my bedroom, to spice things up a little ;-) Hardy-har-har!! Tell me when you start driving around in a limo and I'll come to Minneapolis for a drive. It could probably fit me and my three along with yours. And I KNOW they serve drinks in those big special long cars :-)

RuensOnTheRun said...

Funny, but maybe you're onto something...a limo could fit all 3 of my boys and their sporting equipment...hmmm...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sounds like a fab idea!

Anonymous said...

You are so smart!! Why didn't anyone think of this before? I mean, I've been using limos as a means to get drunk and hang out windows for all of these years. I never even thought to use it as a form of child transportation. I'm sure you're right that the gas mileage is the same as an SUV. I'll chip in if you want to buy one.

Rebecca said...

Yes. I want one, too.

Aracely said...

I'm getting a Lincoln limo customized for 3 boys as we speak!!!

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

wouldn't that just be out of this world!

AndreaLeigh said...

haha! practical use of a limo... you're a marketing genius.


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