Monday, June 23, 2008

when life gives you lemons

Homemade ice cream. I think it all started with the homemade ice cream that I attempted to make. It turned into that horrible early nineties version of light ice cream my mother use to eat, 'ice milk'. I stashed it in the freezer (where it still remains today, three weeks later) in hopes that it would magically continue churning itself into ice cream, but alas it is simply, and might I add disgustingly, still frozen milk. Lucky for me, Henry doesn't really like ice cream. He was just excited about pouring the ingredients in and watching the blade turn.
Disappointment was averted.

But now, he seems to be on this 'is this homemade?' kick.

Henry: "Mom, is this lemonade homemade?"

Me: "Sure it is." Didn't he see me take out the packet of Crystal Light, get water from the tap, and proceed to pour that tiny little packet into said water?

Henry: "No Mom, you know when you cut up lemons, pour in water and lots of sugar. That's real lemonade."

Me: Who in the world has tainted my child's taste buds for a desire for 'real' lemonade. (It might have been us at the Minnesota State Fair last year, where 'other' criminal acts include putting anything edible on a stick but I'm not yet ready to take the blame) I respond "Wow, that sounds like a lot of work".

Henry: "It's not Mom, it doesn't sound hard."

Me: "But I don't have any lemons"

Henry: "We could go get some, let's go grocery shopping."

Me: I knew this time would come, but it seems so premature, he's only four years old after all. I was certain that I had at least a few more years to put up this facade. I look him straight in the eye, let out a big sigh and tell him "I'm just too lazy".

Disappointment has initiated.
Sorry Henry, when life gives you lemons, your anti-supermommy will not be making you lemonade. At least now at the tender age of four I can be honest with him about exactly why Mommy doesn't do some things and stop playing dumb.


Don Mills Diva said...

There's a reason why there is a mix for lemonade!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

I am laughing hysterically at this fantastic post! If he really needs the real stuff, take him to Panera. Then again, that could cause even more problems!

Great, I'm already stressed out by a three year old, thanks for giving my a glimpse of my future!

Kristen said...

Oh that is too funny! :)

Tell him sometimes things taste better that aren't homemade, then they can't be burnt. (Like what I always seem to do to our bagels at breakfast!)

Cute post!

Anonymous said...



I swear: it wasn't me. Really.


A Crafty Mom said...

i know! Four is a great age for just coming clean and telling it like it is. My four year old "gets" stuff now, so it's quite liberating to be able to tell him "no, we don't do that b/c of X", lol! My kids still don't know what real lemonade is, I'm keeping it like that!

Megan said...

In my house, mixing the powder with the water IS homemade. Same with taking the frozen pizza out of the box and putting it in the oven.

If God had meant for me to squeeze actual lemons, he would have given me clamps for hands.

Marla said...

a real martha stewart! my kids would rather eat lemons, no need for sugar and water :)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love it. I'm with you. If you made it at home, it's homemade. Period.

Rebecca said...

Kid's got good taste. Take pride in that. Homemade is the best!

Laural Out Loud said...

Now you've given me a craving for homemade lemon icecream. I wonder if I can pay my mom to make it for me.

As for the lemonade, I'd totally forgotten that there was that old fashioned way to make it. Crystal Lite all the way!

kristine said...

I just *love* your pure honesty!

amanda said...

love it!!

seriously isn't crazy how their little minds form these thoughts??

Miss Lisa said...

He is too funny!
My girls are always grabbing the lemons out and making lemonade--I don't let them use sugar so they don't drink much ;)


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