Wednesday, June 11, 2008

my 'other' children

Isn't it ironic (cue the Alanis Morissette since songs seems to be the theme of everyone's posts lately), that though I changed my whole world to be home with my two children, I actually take better care of the two that aren't even mine.

Example one: For lunch yesterday I served fettuccine with chicken, plums, fresh green beans and milk. When it's just me and my boys it's nuked chicken nuggets, applesauce and baby carrots or we head to McDonald's for our Friday lunch out. (Which happens to be pretty much every Friday. Should I be worried that all the employees know me and my children? When I go up to the counter I feel like they are giving me a wink like they know how I hate to cook for my children or anybody for that matter. I actually tried ordering 'the usual' one time, but they just looked at me like I was crazy, like they didn't actually know who I was. I take offense, you know who I am, I'm the hot-Fridays-at-McDonald's-Mom! Don't I look hot with my hair pulled back, flip flops on, toting two kiddos?)

back to examples

Example two: I change the 'other' baby's diapers three to four times while he is here. Wyatt, on the other hand, is stuck in soggy-doggy diapers until either he decides to poop in it or if he's going to bed (because, yes I do like him to have a fresh diaper for the night, aka I'm not getting up in the middle of the night because he's peed all over the sheets; change sheets, change him, unnecessarily launder sheets, I'm just that kind of a mom).

Example three: I write down everything for the parents. They know what CDs I played, what books we read, what toys they played with, what they ate, when they peed and pooped, they know all the 'necessities' of their dear sweet child-in-my-care. My husband is lucky if he find out when my children eat, I mean our children. Yes, our children.

My point is really that I will take good care of the children in my care. (for those of you that were worried, I only blog during nap time(s) and when I'm ignoring my own children, I guess that should be example four). I'm interviewing four families this week for a rarity of all things rare, an infant opening. I'm in the lucky position that I get to choose who I bring into my childcare, but it's hard, I have to tell families 'no', I'm not taking care of that most precious person in your life because I've chosen someone elses.

But I also want to tell them, 'Hey, I'm the anti-supermom, I'm choosing other people's children over my own too.'


OHmommy said...

That is the same way I feel about my 3rd..... her diaper is always soggy. :)

Melissa said...

Oh my kid is always in an over flowing diaper. Mainly because ... those diapers are made to hold a lot... I paid for that... so i am going to us it for that. I have save some serious bucks on really using her diapers.

Don't think of it as being lazy with changing, but frugal with money :)

Rebecca said...

Do you want to take care of my kids? You would clearly take better care of them than I do... Cause I let the diapers get soggy, too. And we eat noodles a lot around here. Maybe I could take your kids for a day or two. Perhaps I would take better care of them than my own!

Marketing Mama said...

LOL - interesting how you give the other kids more 'fancy' food - I get the same detailed reports from our daycare provider - I've never once seen fettucine or plums - very fancy!@!!

Carol said...

I am sure I'd be exactly the same if I looked after other peoples kids. I'm with you on the diapers, with my kids we definitely get value for money.

Beth Cotell said...

Hey! I'M the hot mom at McDonald's on Fridays - not you!

Perhaps we should meet up there sometime and really give em something to look at. Two hot moms in flip flops and pony tails with a bunch of screaming kids. Every McDonald's managers dream!

BookMamma said...

Sounds like you're taking great care of your kids to me! All the kids are lucky to have you.
Happy POW...

Miss Lisa said...

My fourth's diaper can get so pee soaked, it goes to his knees--lol!
Found you on POW!

McMommy said...

I'm laughing so hard because of the Friday's McDonald's mom thing!! You and I are SOULMATES!!

Happy POW!

kristine said...

Ha ha! Kinda funny how that works.. I think the comments are hilarious! Especially how almost everyone talks about also having their kids in soggy diapers. Too good!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hey i read this yesterday but didn't have time to comment! Glad you stopped in!

Prob from marketing mama too!!

Laural Out Loud said...

You know, I've been wanting to establish some traditions or weekly rituals for the fam. Maybe a weekly trip to McD's is the way to go!

Everyone should just trade kids, lol.

Anti-Supermom said...

Double-digit comments, I'm so feelin' the bloggy love!

Thanks for letting me know you are reading~

Elly said...
Beth, Try this for a Friday at home meal. Pretty yummy and not too much to do. :-) Cheers, Elly


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