Thursday, June 5, 2008

leotards and legwarmers

This video has been in my head since watching it yesterday, all. day. long. It came full circle last night when my husband was on his facebook, looking at comments and asked me what 'kettlebells' are. 'What are kettlebells?' I say, 'oh, do I have a video for you'. I didn't know what they were until yesterday, now they are haunting me, hourly. The video came from a blogger I've been lurking on Tessie. (I puffy heart your posts, now it's out, I've been lurking for a week without comment, okay maybe two or three weeks. Can I make it up to you with a post dedicated to your post?)

So now I come to you with a little self-confession. I, Beth am a Jazzerciser. I'm not going to the gym, swinging kettlebells above my head, but I do workout. I'm inspired (yes, jealous too, how could you not be?) by her video, but I'm not going to say that I feel like garbage because she looks so stink' great. Every Monday and Thursday night I pack up both kids and bring them to the church basement to be with a babysitter that I pay $1.25 per child to watch while I workout. I've been doing this for seven years (obviously with and without children).

Jazzercise has the stigma of leotards and legwarmers, and yes, there is one women who wears a leotard but she looks as hot as someone possibly can wearing a leotard but where else can I pay $30 a month, wear wrinkly t-shirt straight off the floor of my bedroom and still not care what I look like? I need to know, are there other people embarrassed of 'how' they workout? I feel so not cool being a jazzerciser, admitting that I am one is hard. Nonetheless, I've decided that today is the day that I will come out, keepin' it real (right, Missy!) and will lift my head up, get my jazz hands out and sing along with the instructor, loudly.


Tess said...

You know, as long as I've been working out, I've never once tried Jazzercise. It actually DOES seem like something I would like though. I used to be a hardcore step class rat back in the day.

I'm glad you liked the video. And you are welcome anytime, lurker or no :)

LutherLiz said...

I'm totally with you. I feel so UNCOOL at the gym and it is a hard time for me to get over my self consciousness of being a fat, sweaty blob on the treadmill. But I still do it...hopefully some day I will be a slightly smaller fat, sweaty blob! :)

P.S. I'm glad nothing was seriously wrong with your boys!

kristine said...
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kristine said...

Wow. All I can say about that woman is - way to go mama!! She shows people that you don't get your pre-baby body by sitting on your butt (not that I ever thought that but there are people....)
I have never tried Jazzercise either. I say, whatever floats your boat and makes you feel good!
I, too, get embarrassed about the way I look at the gym. With the cute, skinny girls around, it make syou feel like you are just disgusting and you wonder what they think about you.

Marketing Mama said...

Oh Beth, what a great post! :) can I just say I feel like a total lard ass sitting here in my flannel pajamas at 6:30 p.m., after eating a 3-course meal of PIZZA for dinner? Pizza bread appetizer, medeterranian pizza, followed by.... dessert pizza?

Too bad I didn't check your blog first. I would have had a Lean Cuisine!

I commend you for working out 2x a week, even if it's in a crumpled t-shirt and jazz hands. That's better than being one of those slutty cleavage desperate housewives giving the 'come hither look' to every man at the gym....

Rebecca said...

Wow. Who is that lady in the video? Jeez.

And Jazzercise? Where in the world are you doing this? Is there a video?

The only thing I can do from an athletic standpoint (and I mean ONLY) is run. I go for a "run" several days a week, but I'm not sure it counts. I'm pretty slow. If retired people pass me, does it count?

(new lurker)

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard about jazzercise in ages!

Laural Out Loud said...

Well, the 80s are supposed to be making a big comeback, so I think you're actually ahead of the times right now!

I had a friend who was a jazzercise instructor- it was like a little cult because people loved it so much. Maybe I'll give it a try!

McMommy said...

I can't get the video to play...wahhh! I want to see what everyone is oohhhing and ahhhing about!

My local community center is offering kind of have me wondering about it now...hmm....should I try it?

Happy POW!

Anonymous said...

I actually love Jazzercise. I have done it now for a year 3-4 times a week. Our church offers babysitting for kids for a dollar/child. Can't beat that! Plus, I get to actually pretend like I can dance. It's awesome! Ok, maybe not, but at least it makes me sweat.


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