Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Products

When Henry was first born, we did what many parents do, presented him with a few, wonderful, gender neutral toys. He played with each as well as infants can; chewing on them and pushing them around. He went on to more interesting things such as; remotes, cable wires, stereo buttons. When he crawled over to a Fischer Price school bus with animals in the windows he automatically started saying 'vroom, vroom' or making similar 'car' noises. This astounded me, we had never taught him this. We also never taught him to prefer 'boy' toys over 'girl' toys, but this is exactly what he did. Sure, we have a kitchen, a baby doll (that he will occasionally sleep with) and other 'girl' toys, but all in all he loves his boy toys.

I have no question that Wyatt is completely a product of his environment. He knew how to shake up those shake'n'go cars before he knew how to crawl. He will 'wrestle' with his brother laughing the entire way it takes him to army crawl over to get Henry. He shovels spaghetti and peas into his mouth and loves to be the loudest screamer in the room. (Yes, this is a favorite game for my child care family to do during lunch).

I've watched only boys now for two years, so this is what I know. Perhaps, I'm a product of my little people environment too. So I had to laugh at myself when this anti-supermom told her husband 'look at this video, Wyatt's screaming like a girl'!


Marketing Mama said...

Cute video! :)

I hear ya on the gender-bias thing. I'm determined not to force my kids into set gender roles, as much as possible. We are enlightened parents, so mostly they will learn from example.

I get a little ribbing from family and friends that Alex plays with a lot of (traditionally) female toys. Like his kitchen (with apron and oven mitts - just like Daddy, who does most of the cooking around here) and his baby doll (that he nurses, just like mommy does). Oh, and his vacuum and broom are fun for helping around the house.

Yesterday a friend asked if he ever "straps on a tool belt" - and the answer is YES! He has a tool belt and hard hat he loves, a gigantic train collection, matchbox cars and dump trucks. He likes getting dirty and rough-housing, too.

kristine said...

That video is super cute! I am totally in agreeance with you and Missy!
I think it is WONDERFUL that they bought Alex a kitchen - it's great to see that kind of a thing. Graycen plays with trucks/cars and has some dinosaurs, too. I have no problem letting my children play with toys that would tpically be classified for the other gender. Parker can even have dolls... I think it's a great idea!

The Cheap Chick said...

Cutest. Baby. EVER! He is so sweet, screamin' like a girl and all!

P.S. Love your ring - very sparkly and pretty.

Melissa said...

oh soooo cute

kristine said...

To answer your q - no, i Haven't taken my other GD test yet. I am dreading it... I am going to talk to the dr when I go in on Tues... I can't bear to do it again :(

OHmommy said...

Awwwww.... what a cut video!


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