Thursday, January 29, 2009

love-hate relationship

The moment he gives me that look, I know he is going to stick it in his mouth. It's like that every. single. time. He giggles, smiles, pops a piece of play-doh into his mouth, then proceeds to spit it out, attempts to wipe off his tongue and shrieks 'yucky'.

Three minutes later he does it again, then he does it again another three minutes after that. (I know that eating dirt is a sign of anemia, but seriously, is eating play-doh a sign of some sort of sodium deficiency?) He does it until I tell him "that's enough" and I put the play-doh back on the shelf until tomorrow where once again, he will stand on his tippy-toes, reach for the play-doh and ask for something that sounds like 'doo-doo'.

He has a love-hate relationship with play-doh

sort of like my love-hate relationship with Blogger.

Sometimes Blogger does leave a bad taste in my mouth, like the followers gadget posting exactly how many people follow you (feeling like blogger's equivalence to a high school popularity contest) or the time-suck feeling I get when I think about how I should be doing something more "productive" but then I start checking my email for comments and then hitting refresh another three minutes later, then again, a few minutes after that.

I'll be blogging on my laptop, in bed, until my husband says "that's enough" and a hour later I close the laptop, put it on the shelf, until tomorrow.


I know that there will be days when I will think that you, quite simply, suck, but then there will be those other days when I'm on tippy-toes in anticipation and hitting refresh every three minutes.

Here's to another 100 posts together (Even though it says 99 posts, you and I have a secret deleted post and you know me, I'm anti-100th post. Do readers really want to read 100 things about me and honestly, have they ever really read every single thing on anyone's 100-things-about-me list, I know I haven't? I'm saving them the skimming.)

You can love-hate me too.


Mandy said...

I skim. I admit it.

I think we all have a love-hate relationship with these blogs! I am so glad that wordpress does not have the follow feature...I would feel the same way! The comparison to high school popularity was spot on!

A Crafty Mom said...

You summed it up well!!!

I just added the follower widget to my page two days ago, after a couple people bugged me to do it. Now I have 11 followers, and I'm feeling pretty unloved. I don't even get that thing, I read people in my google reader, it has nothing to do with the follower thing.

I gave up on the play doh and started making my own at home b/c then at least if the kids eat it, I don't have to worry about what's in it. It's super easy, let me know if you want a recipe.

And Happy anti-100th post :-)

Anti-Supermom said...

It's not the follower widget that drive me crazy, it's that blogger decided that they should total those number of followers AND add it to the top of the widget.


Patrice said...

I know what you mean about the followers! You think you're popular then you click over to another blog that more than triples your followers & all the sudden you're not so popular anymore! I admit I don't read the whole 100 things post but you could always take a different route. Them again good for you for doing your own thing!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I skim, too! And I totally have that love hate relationship!

Maybe it's time for some edible playdough at your house...unless you have peanut allergies!

LutherLiz said...

I totally understand! I also have the same issue with blog readers. It takes so much more effort on my part to comment...and frankly I'm so lazy. But I do read and hate the popularity contest of it all.

And yet, I'm totally addicted. Go figure!

amanda said...

no love hate here friend - i got nothin but love for you :)

and yup i am a total skimmer - thanks for saving my eyes.

and the uber cute photos of the boy - priceless :)

amanda said...

oh and ps - thanks for the kind words today - i don't deserve you :)

Anonymous said...

I swear I have refreashed my email 5 times in the past hour. I've got nothing but love for ya baby! Thank you for being a real Mom who doesn't amp out when Wyatt does what all kids do! Sometimes they have to figure it out on their own.
Before I was real familiar with Blogger and blogging, I thought that the Follower button was the only way to read the blogs. I hadn't found Google Reader yet. And then some people wanted to follow me, and I thought that was the only way for them to read mine. So I put it up. Now I know all about the other ways to get feed. So should we just take own our Follower widgets? Defy all Blogger protocol? Hmm, let's think this through first.
Happy 99th Post to you!

Carol said...

So true!! I could have written that post.

If I could be bothered. I'm such a lazy blogger right now.

Michelle said...

Heh. What a smart little boy -- he knows how to make a game with you, doesn't he! And if it makes you feel any better, when I was little, I snuck and ate dog bones. I think my mom would have preferred Play-Doh.

And thank you so much for coming to visit my blog. Today has been so much fun and so lovely to see the response and fun comments. I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed my blog and come back to visit soon!

Wisconsin Parent said...

Hello Miss, Missy 1694 profile views! I have comment envy and follower envy and, oh wait, not Play Doh envy. My kids actually leave it on the table. Ha ha ha ha! But, they did start singing "Baby Got Back!" in public places, so I guess that's worse. It' winter. Things will get better in two months! Hang in there.


Kristen said...

Happy 100 Dear Friend!!

And yes, I love hate blogging almost everyday. I am with you, UGH! And seriously, the tally at the top. How is it that blogger everyday has taken my life back to Junior High?

I too have a love hate relationship with play-doh. In fact I have now banned it from the house. Heard of play foam? It is TONS better without the eat it mess!!!

So happy to celebrate 100 posts with you!!

Now hit refresh to see if anyone else commented!! :)

RuensOnTheRun said...

Happy 100th post & I have nothing but love,no hate, for you & your blog!
As for the follower numbers, I ignore's about how great my followers are not how many...b/c I dont have that many! ;)
Atleast he's only tasting the play-doh, right??

KatBouska said...

I never thought about that popularity contest high school comparison to the number of followers.

Makes me feel pretty bratty for telling people I was mad because I don't have a million followers.

I still want a million followers...that's the tricky thing with that leaves you wanting more.

I know. I'm a brat.

Moving on, I'm not a fan of the 100things post OR play doh. In fact I have a hate hate relationship with play doh. But your son is pretty darn cute with it! I love that he just won't give up...must lick again. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th post to you.... the pics are adorable. And I have to admit you summed it up so well. I rarely look at my followers, it really seems so highschool to me. as does my goggle reader. I usually go through my commeneters as much as I humanly can... and scroll through and make my way through blogs. I like.

Rebecca said...

Oh my. Do I comment on how I totally get the Play Doh face, or do I comment about my own horrid, guilty compulsion with Blogger? Why is it that I feel like your posts are always about MY life?

Aracely said...

I like the follow widget, BECAUSE I HAVE 72 FOLLOWERS! AWESOME RIGHT? (wii retaliation) (wait... do you have more than 72?) Anywho, I found that once I displayed it, (and begged people to follow me) they started following because it's there and conveniently accessed and easy to use.

Can't tell if you have it up from my reader, but give it a try for a couple of weeks you may be surprised.

PLAY-DOH- yucky, gross, smelly, ick!


my 100 is coming soon too, but you know I love yapping about myself ;-)

Miss Lisa said...

Me too ;)

Love the play d'oh story--smells good, let me try it, YUCK, but it smells good, let me try again, YUCK, but it smells so good--surely it can't be that bad, YUCK....and repeat ;)

saucersrus said...

I'm not a big play dough mom, but I do remember substituting a packet of kool aid instead of food coloring to color it when I was getting my elementary teaching license. I also found a pretty cool book by Usborne called Playdough Lots of play ideas for young children isbn #0746004656 for those of you who are playdough moms :) Who knows now that I'm looking at this book maybe we'll revisit play dough.

Clara said...

I love that last picture. It says it all.


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