Tuesday, September 4, 2012

survival of the fittest

I overheard them as I walked down the steps, coffee in hand and my mind planning what I could make for lunch with elbow noodles that didn't (yet again) involve spaghetti sauce and ground beef.

Henry cheered to Wyatt "I wish brothers could get married, because then we could be together all the time, forever!"

Wyatt gleefully shouted back to him "That would be so awesome, Henry!"

I walked into the room, smiling, trying to tell them something about 'being brothers is the best because they will always be together'.  They didn't care though, the conversation turned to police officers taking them away and forcing them to marry gross girls.

And the moment was gone.

But this is what I'm holding onto: our own survival of the fittest.  After a summer long of punching and screaming; of tears over who got into the car first, washed hands first, got to pick out their show first; of being bored and of asking 'what are we going to do now?',

we made it.

On the last week of summer, the boys still love each other enough to marry.

contrary to what some of the above photos may exhibit


Emmy said...

Now that is love! Look at all of their eyes! So beautiful.

Lady Goo Goo Gaga said...

Very cute!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Our summer here, too. Love. Hate. First. Second. Get close. Go away....AAHHHHHH!

I love that E is getting a fist full of hair in one of the shots, too!

amanda said...

this is just all sorts of awesome!!

love love love the last pic...

makes my heart smile, seeing you in their faces :)

Marie said...

Oh my goodness, your children are beautiful! Those piercing blue eyes are going to blow the girls away, and in Edy's case, the boys!

MommyLisa said...


Elly said...

Love that little princess [dare I call her such] of yours. Gorgeous!


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