Wednesday, May 9, 2012

riddle me this

Riddle me this, is a dinner party going extremely well when you are dumb brave enough to pull out your scrapbook from high school, or is it going terribly wrong?

It started somehow because I wanted to show our friends a picture of my husband and I at prom (yes, we are high school sweethearts, you can see it here if you want a giggle) and at that point, I had a few Sam Adams under my belt and could only think of the picture in my scrapbook.  So, out it comes.

There we were, skimming through my book, laughing at me being involved in almost everything, because when you graduate with a class of 52 kids, staff/coaches are pretty much begging you to participate.  A list of a few things I don't do anymore... play clarinet, counsel students, twirl flags, act in plays, sing (at least not for an audience other than those in my van), cheer lead, well, maybe a kick and rah once in a while.

Then we landed on my poetry pages and I, instinctively, slapped the book shut.

*Imagine this poem with flowery love sayings from magazines clipped out and glued around it making a lovely paper border.

I've been with you for only a short while.
But I still feel so close to you.
Many words rush through my head.
Words I'm not sure if they are true.

I know how quickly I am falling.
It is too hard to stop me now.
I am not suppose to fall in love.
No, not this quickly, I don't know how.

I don't want to give you my heart.
For you'll hold it like a treasure.
Once you win the prize,
There will be no love for us to measure.

Why must men just be like that.
Will I ever learn or understand?
How courageous the women are
To give he love the men demand.

Each day I'll dream of you.
You'll be in my mind forever.
The first day and the last,
Of the love that began, Never!

I especially like the dramatic "Never!" part. 

Honestly, I don't know how my 8th grade teacher handed this back to me with a straight face, or without writing a warning in big red letters 'just you wait'.

She must have read this swigging a few Sam Adams herself.


L. Shanna said...

Oh, bless your wonderful heart for sharing this poem. I've got a whole journal full of 'em myself. Ah, junior high...

Liz Mays said...

I'm trying not to laugh, but wow, that was just dripping with drama. That's how we all felt back then though.

I think I used to write sappy poems about my crushes too!

Funny though because now I don't have the tiniest bit of a romantic bone in my body. Seriously not even one micro-cell's worth.

amanda said...

man am i looking forward to my first dinner party at your house!! #goodtimes!!

Shan said...

You're a poet?!? Me, too! My most memorable line was something about health food and Pepsi, because I was *such* a dichotomy. (When I say most memorable line, I really mean it's the only part of any poem I wrote that I still recall.)

Galit Breen said...

Oh the goodness that comes from a few Sam Adams, and apparently 8th grade poetry! :)


Emmy said...

Oh teenagers- life is just full of drama and just so like that so your teacher was probably used to things like that.

I cannot imagine going to a school that small.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I so wish I would have been there. We could have gone through our scrapbooks together (but mine would have had poems from him:)

I'll have wine or a margarita, though:)


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