Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8/8 - a birth date

or not. I've been in this tunnel of false labor for a week and a half. Contractions go on all. day. long. They get as close as 2-3 minutes apart, for a long time. I call, they have me come in and...

nothing. I'm monitored for four to five hours, seeing if there is any change.

There isn't and I'm sent home.

I've been to the hospital twice in the last four days.

On Sunday night, I told them that I'm going to have to prepare myself for delivery at home, because I will have no idea when I'm in real labor.

You would think after 3 babies, I'd know

but I don't.

I'm tired of lining up a place for our boys, packing them up with their bags, car seats and extras. I'm frustrated at not going into labor. I'm done inconveniencing everyone that has to change their schedules to accommodate my family.

I don't ever want to be one to complain about being pregnant, I know I'm so lucky, so blessed to be standing in this position, but this is my excuse

for not being here.


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