Friday, February 22, 2008

American Gladiators

The finale of American Gladiators was on Sunday night. This show quickly became my son, Henry's favorite new thing. We (I mean Dan) have created an obstacle course in our house to mimic the 'Eliminator Round' of American Gladiators. Henry loves it! Yes, we have even had friends over to have their kids join in the course. You can watch a video of Henry doing a version of this course.

What I myself really liked about the show was the woman who won. I was in awe and have to admit, very envious. She is in great physical condition, she's a true 'Hot Mom'. The winner is a stay-at-home mom of two girls. She supposedly wins 100,000 dollars and will become a Gladiator in the next season. My real beef is her saying that she is busy 'making lunches and shuttling the girls around'. What I really believe is that she's shuttling those girls off to school then gets her butt to the gym for four hours or so a day. So, this is the anti-Supermom in me, where is she slacking then if her time is spent in the gym? Is her bathroom dirtier than a trucker's toilet? Are there dust bunnies under her furniture that are 6" thick? I just want her to come out with the truth and tell us how long she really spends at the gym so the rest of us can say how impractical that is for a real Mom and stop feeling bad about our 'muffin tops'!

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